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A king's bloodstained shirt is among the gruesome collection of artifacts displayed below Stockholm's Royal Palace. Added by Maddy Eglian. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. The farming museum contains an extensive taxidermy collection, including the world's largest stuffed horse. Added by rachelshouston.
Lexington, Virginia. The hide of Stonewall Jackson's equine sidekick is on display not far from where the ashes of his bones are buried. Added by EricGrundhauser. Brisbane, Australia. Its most grisly object is a jar full of severed fingers allegedly cut off by prisoners to avoid work. Added by jbartlett Thanks for sharing! Want a Free Book? Stay in Touch! Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. No purchase necessary. Offer available only in the U. Offer subject to change without notice.
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See contest rules for full details. New mothers also received extra coupons. From March to May clothing austerity measures were introduced which restricted the number of buttons, pockets and pleats among other things on clothes. All types of soap were rationed. Coupons were allotted by weight or if liquid by quantity. In , the ration gave four coupons each month; babies and some workers and invalids were allowed more. Central heating was prohibited "in the summer months". Wrapping paper for most goods was prohibited.
The paper shortage often made it more difficult than usual for authors to get work published. In , George Orwell wrote:. In Mr Stanley Unwin 's recent pamphlet Publishing in Peace and War , some interesting facts are given about the quantities of paper allotted by the Government for various purposes. Here are the present figures:. A particularly interesting detail is that out of the , tons allotted to the Stationery Office, the War Office gets no less than 25, tons, or more than the whole of the book trade put together.
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At the same time paper for books is so short that even the most hackneyed "classic" is liable to be out of print, many schools are short of textbooks, new writers get no chance to start and even established writers have to expect a gap of a year or two years between finishing a book and seeing it published.
Whether rationed or not, many consumer goods became difficult to obtain because of the shortage of components. Examples included razor blades , baby bottles , alarm clocks, frying pans and pots. Balloons and sugar for cakes for birthday parties were partially or completely unavailable. Couples had to use a mock cardboard and plaster wedding cake in lieu of a real tiered wedding cake, with a smaller cake hidden in the mock cake. Some aspects of rationing became stricter for some years after the war.
At the time this was presented as needed to feed people in European areas under British control, whose economies had been devastated by the fighting. Frequent strikes by some workers most critically dock workers made things worse. In the late s the Conservative Party exploited and incited growing public anger at rationing, scarcity, controls, austerity and government bureaucracy. They used the dissatisfaction with the socialistic and egalitarian policies of the Labour Party to rally middle-class supporters and build a political comeback that won the general election. Their appeal was especially effective to housewives, who faced more difficult shopping conditions after the war than during it.
Although rationing formally ended in , cheese production remained depressed for decades afterwards. During rationing, most milk in Britain was used to make one kind of cheese, nicknamed Government Cheddar not to be confused with the government cheese issued by the US welfare system. Petrol rationing was briefly reintroduced in late during the Suez Crisis but ended again on 14 May Petrol coupons were issued for a short time as preparation for the possibility of petrol rationing during the oil crisis.
The rationing never came about, in large part because increasing North Sea oil production allowed the UK to offset much of the lost imports. By the time of the energy crisis , the United Kingdom had become a net exporter of oil , so on that occasion the government did not even have to consider petrol rationing. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: UK population over time. See also: Minister of Food United Kingdom. Main article: British Restaurant. See also: UK population change. Office for National Statistics.
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Retrieved 31 January British War Economy. History of the Second World War. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Military Anecdotes pp. Diamond January Lorey McComb 1 September Annual Editions: World History. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Living with the earth: an introduction to environmental philosophy. Harcourt Brace Canada. Carolina Academic Press. The people's war: Britain —45 New ed. Army News.
Darwin, Australia: Trove. Stationery Office.

Sucking Eggs. London: Vintage Books. Feeding the Nation. June Fair Shares: Rationing and Shortages". Sources for the History of London — Rationing. British Records Association. The Guardian. Spanish French German 6. Japanese 5. Italian 3. Russian 3. Dutch 1. Korean 1.
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