Exchange-traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. It is calculated based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a managed product's monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a managed product is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its three-, five-, and year if applicable Morningstar Rating metrics.
While the year overall star rating formula seems to give the most weight to the year period, the most recent three-year period actually has the greatest impact because it is included in all three rating periods. Morningstar Ratings do not take into account sales loads that may apply to certain third party funds.. Leveraged mutual funds seek to provide a multiple of the investment returns of a given index or benchmark on a daily or monthly basis.
Inverse mutual funds seek to provide the opposite of the investment returns, also daily or monthly, of a given index or benchmark, either in whole or by multiples. Due to the effects of compounding, aggressive techniques, and possible correlation errors, leveraged and inverse funds may experience greater losses than one would ordinarily expect.
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Compounding can also cause a widening differential between the performances of a fund and its underlying index or benchmark, so that returns over periods longer than the stated reset period can differ in amount and direction from the target return of the same period. Consequently, these funds may experience losses even in situations where the underlying index or benchmark has performed as hoped.
Aggressive investment techniques such as futures, forward contracts, swap agreements, derivatives, options, can increase fund volatility and decrease performance. Investors holding these funds should therefore monitor their positions as frequently as daily.
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- (NASDAQ Mutual Funds) As of Oct 29, 12222 08:00 PM ET.
To find out more about trading these funds, please read: Leveraged and Inverse Products: What you need to know. Except as noted below, all data provided by Morningstar, Inc.
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All rights reserved. The information contained herein is the proprietary information of Morningstar, Inc. The information contained herein is not represented or warranted to be accurate, correct, complete, or timely. Morningstar, Inc. Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. Individual holdings are shown for informational purposes only and are not considered an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy a specific security.
Get a Mutual Fund Quote. YTD Return is adjusted for possible sales charges, and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Fund Performance. If the inception date of the Fund is less than the time period shown above, the Since Inception period is shown. Fund Strategy The investment seeks the highest return consistent with investment in U.
Distribution Yield is the Trailing Month End Yield - Morningstar computes this figure by summing the trailing month's income distributions and dividing the sum by the last month's ending Net Asset Value NAV , plus capital gains distributed over the same time period. Income refers only to interest payments from fixed-income securities and dividend payments from common stocks.
Calculated at month end:. A net expense ratio lower than the gross expense ratio may reflect a limit on or contractual waiver of fund expenses.
Please read the fund prospectus for details on limits or expiration dates for any such waivers. Inverse Fund Inverse mutual funds typically use derivatives to attempt to move in the opposite direction of the underlying index by a certain multiple each day or month. Morningstar Category: Long Government. Long government funds concentrate on bonds backed by the U. This backing minimizes the credit risk of these funds, as the U. They are not risk free, though. Because these funds have durations of more than six years, they are more sensitive to interest rates, and thus riskier, than funds that have shorter durations.
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