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We've been totally eyeing that ice blue one. It's finally the sale we've all been waiting for! Hurry up and grab it while the price is still the same and while supplies last. There really are no tricks when it comes to Target promo codes. The only down-side is that the coupon codes typically turnover every few days. So what was issued today, may not be working in one week from now. You can get free standard 2-day shipping when you sign up for their REDcard. For instance, in an online store, coupons might depend on the cart total, might affect just shipping, or might only apply to certain items.

As such, a coupon system for standalone charges is best implemented in your app.

Coupon Management

Fortunately, implementing a basic coupon system is easy. The first part of this recipe describes a simple and straightforward approach to implement a basic coupon system by:. The second part of the recipe builds off this basic system for a more nuanced solution.

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It does so by moving the coupons into the database and adding features like expirations and redemption tracking. The implementations in this recipe use Rails and build off of the Rails Checkout tutorial , but the concepts can be easily ported to other languages and frameworks. The code examples use Stripe Checkout for easy and secure card collection, but you could also use Stripe. The recipe starts by creating a simple coupon framework, which later can be expanded to something more feature-rich.

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To get started, simply add a coupon field to your checkout page. The coupon will be submitted to your server, along with the stripeToken , after the user submitted their card details via Checkout. Because the charge amount may change depending on an entered coupon, it is best to refrain from displaying the amount in the Checkout modal.

On the server, you want to verify the validity and value of the submitted coupon, then update the amount to be charged before sending the charge request to Stripe. You can then look up the user-submitted couponCode in this hash, and apply any discount accordingly. Note that in keeping with the Rails tutorial this example builds off of, a customer is created first and then charged. You can just make a charge directly too. Noting the coupon usage makes it easy to see at any later point that a coupon was used on the charge. For the above code to work, you want a hash that stores all of the coupons, and a mechanism to retrieve their respective discounts.

Some normalization of code is performed, like stripping whitespace, before looking it up in the hash. If the user submitted a coupon but it was not found, no coupon is returned, and the calling code creates a Coupon code is not valid or expired. Next, build an order confirmation page that displays the subtotal, the discount applied, the savings, and the total amount charged.

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  • In this basic implementation and the subsequent more advanced one, the user will not know the final charge amount before they submit their details via Checkout. This is because the discount is applied after the stripeToken is generated but before the charge call is made to Stripe. See the end of this recipe for a possible approach to improving this workflow.

    The coupon system outlined so far is relatively inflexible. Adding new coupons or removing expired ones requires a code change and a deploy.
