In this session, participants will learn more about accessing digital content and using it to support teaching and learning in the classroom. Teachers will be able to choose which sessions they would like to attend. This is a regional PD done by all Rochester area school library systems. Many school libraries still look like they did fifty years ago.
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But our libraries are no longer quiet dusty book repositories. Librarians are leading the way in technology use and modern pedagogy in our schools - now we need to update our spaces to match. In this workshop, you will get ideas and inspiration for transforming the physical space of your libraries to make them innovative, student-friendly learning environments. We'll talk about how to apply learning space design theory to renovate your library. You'll learn how to survey your students, create a focus group, and use design thinking to brainstorm ideas for your space.
We'll spend time brainstorming our spaces and making plans for the future. Participants will be able to explain why changes to the physical space are needed and will learn strategies that they can apply immediately, no matter what their budget. This workshop will leave you feeling empowered to make the changes that are needed in our library spaces.
They also identifying a grade-level band when mastery level is achieved for the anchor standards see sheets "Anchor Standard 1," "Anchor Standard 2," "Anchor Standard 3," "Anchor Standard 4". Feel free to make a copy, revise it, and use it however you want. Note- use the tabs located along the bottom of the Google Sheet to switch between grades and anchor standards.
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Diversity Workshops. As reader advisors, we know that young readers often relate to characters who share some of their own characteristics. The popularity of the realism genre encourages the publishing industry to pair representative characters with stories that feature headline-worthy drama. How can we build collections that celebrate not only diverse characters but also a diverse range of experiences for those characters to inhabit?

And, how can we encourage readers to empathize with characters who may seem unfamiliar? Wednesday Oct 16 from PM. Presented by Michelle Luhtala. In the morning, we will establish a rationale for the inclusion of diverse children's literature using Rudine Sims Bishop's notion of books as mirrors, windows, and doors. Because identity influences our choices and our perceptions of what we read, it is important to broaden our view of the world through diverse literature. In our classrooms, shared read aloud experiences can help students find value in their complex identities while honoring new perspectives and views other than their own.
During this workshop, you'll examine the presence of mirrors, windows, and doors in a carefully selected collection of literature. Together we will examine our personal identities and reflect on how these influence the selection of texts we make available for students. In the afternoon, we will introduce the instructional framework as a vehicle to help children make the necessary connections with literature to build empathy and take action.
You'll see the framework in practice through video clips and student artifacts.
The last segment of the workshop will focus on how you can apply the framework to plan future instruction to help your students speak freely, think deeply, and take action. Presented by Katherine Kelly and Lester L. Media Portal Update. This link will automatically sign you in!
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NBC Learn. Learn PBS LearningMedia. OverDrive Update. Simultaneous Use Fiction K Simultaneous Use Fiction Simultaneous Use Nonfiction - All K Simultaneous Use Nonfiction Titles with an asterisk are not available in Sora, only in classic OverDrive. Genrefication Information:. A prorated benefit package includes paid time off, medical coverage, and retirement.
Byrnes libraryweb. Upcoming Professional Development:. Free to attend- open to all teachers and librarians. How and why should graphic novels and non-fiction be used for education? How can we convince parents and educators that illustrated texts are a valid form of learning? Presenter G. Greg Neri will address these questions and concerns. Greg is the author of picture books, graphic novels, middle grade novels, young adult novels, and non-fiction for kids and teens. We'll explore the Sora app, which has features specially geared to the classroom use of ebooks.
During this hands-on workshop, you'll learn how you can personalize the catalog and eBook interface, and try out features like highlight and insert notes, add new words to your glossary, and get your personal reader statistics. Our Monroe 2 Maker collection has grown! If you're ready for some hands-on time with the new kits available for your library, this workshop is for you. For each tool, we will talk about how it works, how it can be used with students, and the educator resources that are available to support you.
If you're looking for digital content that is designed for the elementary classroom, we have stuff for you! Libraries in the news:. Makerspace Update:.
Results: Military
To borrow from an academic library please send a link to the book to Diane Sciabbarrasi dsciabba monroe2boces. Note- this is an international searching platform. We are limited to Western NY. We can probably extend our search beyond Western NY but there may be a cost associated with it. New Resources for the School Year. Note- most of these items are not available yet…but most should be available by the time school starts!
Stay tuned for more information. Titles should be available in a few weeks. Video Streaming:. If all goes well with this trial we will be adding it to our streaming video collection. If you have questions or concerns please contact Jim Belair. Barbara Stripling. MakerSpace Kits:.
Media Sound Effects:. Happy New Year! If you would no longer wish to receive these please let Jim Belair know. They highlight a specific item and how it can be used instructionally. If there are any ROAR topics you would like please let us know! NBC Learn:. We will then evaluate to see if we purchase this for our region. Site Visits:. We can discuss BOCES resources and services, brainstorm how to train your faculty on the various resources, update your library website or whatever else you may wish to discuss!
Professional Development:. We have also indicated which ones are for Librarians v Teachers. Learn more about the library tech tools that you use every day. Students are the heart of any school library program. As school librarians, we know we must teach our students the skills they need to succeed in the ever-changing and complex information environment. You will discover essential skills of inquiry, multiple literacies, design thinking, social responsibility, and even student agency.
Most importantly, you will be able to collaborate with colleagues to develop personalized approaches, lessons, formative assessments, and strategies to transform teaching and learning in your school. Welcome to our region! Leslie Trice will be focusing on grades at Longridge. Greece Olympia- Deb Buckley. Hilton Northwood- Stacey McGrain.
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Spencerport Munn- Spring Lupiani. Spencerport Taylor- Cindy Munanni. On behalf of the BOCES 2 SLS Staff thank you for your: faith, collaboration, wiliness to try something new, general awesomeness, and collegiality this past school year! We are honored to work with you and thank you for all you do for the students in our region J.
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OverDrive Update:. Many of these titles are now available in OverDrive. Please let your students know. Tech Camp:. All regular sessions will be 45 minutes long.