This is easier said than done though. Each store will have its reduced hour - a period of the day in which they'll scour the shelves for products approaching shelf life and reduce the cost - usually around pm - and many shoppers will know about it, so prepare to be quick. Remember, if items are close to their sell by date, you can just put them in the freezer for later use. There are certain cupboard items that just don't taste the same as own brand, like Heinz baked beans for instance.
But, on the other hand, there are many basics that you CAN switch to and make a saving without even noticing the difference.
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These include kitchen roll, salt, sugar, chopped tomatoes and most cleaning or household products. Loyalty schemes are designed to reward regular customers and keep them coming back for more.
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This is often achieved through exclusive deals, discount codes, coupons and cash off once you've accumulated a certain amount. Don't be too loyal though - as you'll end up missing out on deals elsewhere. You can collect points when you buy in-store, which you can use as a discount on your next purchase. Note, loyalty schemes are not a substitute for a good deal and will not save you money if you go back to the store without shopping around first.
As tempting as these may look, not all 'bargains' are as good as they seem.
Don't be fooled by such trickery - always do your maths. By Susan Clark. Emma Munbodh Deputy Money Editor. Image: PA Real Life Get the biggest money stories by email Subscribe We will use your email address only for the purpose of sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights.
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Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice. Save on your supermarket bill.
Get paid to shop Cashback websites like TopCashback or Quidco will offer you money to shop through them online. Ask for vouchers If there is a special offer in a supermarket but the item is out of stock, you can ask in store customer services for a voucher offering you either a similar product at the same price, or a coupon to take advantage of the offer at a later date when it's back in stock.
Buy reduced items As products approach their expiry date, supermarkets will start to stash costs in a bid to recoup as much as they can before the item is taken off the shelf. Buy own brand basics There are certain cupboard items that just don't taste the same as own brand, like Heinz baked beans for instance. Use loyalty rewards Loyalty schemes are designed to reward regular customers and keep them coming back for more.
Don't be fooled by discounts As tempting as these may look, not all 'bargains' are as good as they seem. Read More Cut your supermarket bill. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. Follow MirrorMoney. Show more comments. More On Supermarkets Save money Shopping advice.
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