Tuesday NIghts great - Kids eat for $2 - East Side Mario's
Kids Meals include drink, 3 mini cones, activity book and toy! Details: Pay by your height night: Kids 10 and under pay one cent per centimetre from kids menu with purchase of adult meal. This applies to any family where adults are eating an entree.
Although we do our best to provide you with accurate information, all event details are subject to change. Please contact the facility to avoid disappointment. Family Fun Halifax is your go-to resource for all things fun and local. From the biggest festivals to the hidden gems, we are on the move and on the lookout for the very best YHZ has to offer!
SAVE 10% on dining. – CAA South Central Ontario
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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As parents of a toddler, we understand how the thought of taking your children out to eat can be daunting. You worry about what food will interest your child enough to eat, how your little one will behave and the cost of paying for the extra food that may or may not be eaten.
Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are welcome to come in, take a seat and let them serve your little ones for FREE or nearly free! We know your time is limited, so we have broken down the list by the day of the week and just for fun, we scoped out birthday specials as well. Simply pick the day you are wanting to go out to eat, select a restaurant and let the top notch wait staff in Cambridge take care of the kids in your life!
East Side Mario's Kingston (Weller)
Note: This list is accurate as of July 13, If you have noticed we are missing any local restaurants from the Kids Eat Free list for Cambridge, Ontario, Canada please let us know in the comments below. Although we do intend to keep this list up to date, deals are subject to change without notice. As a Cambridge, Ontario native, Corina's passion for her community shines through photography and promotion of all that is great about this city.
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Thanks Corina. Very helpful for many people with young children.
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Thanks for supporting Cambridge! The fiddle and firkin in Preston is kids eat free on Tuesdays as well.