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Laurens Hope Coupons. Blood Sugar Optimizer Coupons. Better Health Coupons. According to the information of the independent agency of field investigation "Business Analytics", the second quarter of , Phillip Morris brands took the first place in 25 Russian cities with a market share of The same happened in in the U. It is the third best-selling international cigarette brand outside the United States and China. Various TV advertisements were also created.
In a typical advertisement that appeared in a February issue of Life magazine, Hollywood star Fredric March made an assertion after having read the letter written by a "Dr Darkis" that was inset into the advertisement.
Similar contemporaneous advertisements from Viceroy claimed that their filtered cigarettes were healthy because doctors recommended Viceroys to patients. Obviously, these ads claimed health benefits for filters, though filters actually did little to truly reduce the hazards of smoking. In fact, tobacco industry chemists were well aware that most filters actually removed no more tar and nicotine than would the same length of tobacco.
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However, a series of Reader's Digest articles worked to publicize these dubious health claims for filters in the s. One such article, entitled "How Harmful are Cigarettes? This article spurred Viceroy to print advertisements a week later which read: "Reader's Digest tells why filtered cigarette smoke is better for your health. Kent was introduced in with a filter made of treated asbestos on crepe paper. The destroyed cigarettes were part of over From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Paper Alcove. Encountering the truth: State of minnesota v. American Journal of Public Health. April 17, Retrieved March 18,