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So smokers get dumped on and nobody gives a rats ass because oh these people are doing to themselves anyways haha what a joke. It's like u have to pay to be a smoker. Aside from cigarette costs we are rented our own body parts. Cigerette tax does help economy but why the fudge is it so much, it's all part of the system they know working class people smoke more so why do people who work and or have no money have to pay for our roads and bridges.
Smoking is bad for u Should Altria announce a deal with Juul this month, it would be its second transformative investment in as many weeks. Altria also said as part of its Cronos announcement it will discontinue MarkTen and Green Smoke e-cigarette products, citing their financial performance combined with heightened regulatory restrictions. Outsiders viewed the move as clearing the way for Juul.
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Both deals could provide Altria with new sources of revenue as its main business shrinks. Cigarette volumes have started declining faster than anticipated, threatening Altria's usual tactic of raising prices to offset the declines. That wouldn't be as big of an issue for Altria if it still profited when people switched to Juul pods from Marlboro cigarettes.
Juul and Altria declined to comment. Altria has previously said it does not comment on speculation. Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services.