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I have been known to miss the obvious more than once. Inside Molly McGee's the walls are painted green and there is some random Irish decor hanging on the walls too. What I really liked were some of those old Guinness posters from way back when; they're way cool and totally fit the theme at Molly's.

This in combination with the dark wooded bar really makes it seem, well, Irish-like.

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And speaking of Irish-like, where do you think you're going to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?? Hmmm, well there are some really great bars to choose from but I would also consider Molly McGee's too. They will be open bright and early at 6AM ready to serve you some Guinness or any other beer with your Lucky Charms yes, they will actually have Lucky Charms.

Molly McGee's Irish Pub | Green Bay Restaurants, Reviews, Events

They even have wine and I don't mean in those little airplane bottles either. Molly's has more than a few choices for your favorite types of reds and whites. When McDaniel became ill in she was replaced by Lillian Randolph, who would in turn be replaced the next season by her sister, Amanda Randolph. Beulah was adapted for TV in for three seasons.

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Old Radio Shows. Skip to content. However this evening's show opens with the Jordan's somberly expressing their pride to be associated with the radio industry, which was fulfilling its promise of instantaneous communication "in times of World Crisis. Rather than try to run dialog that could be interrupted by notices, the broadcast is filled with the Billy Mills Orchestra and the King's Men Vocal group performing Songs of the Services, of course dedicated to all "our Fighting Forces on all Fronts.

The report ends, hauntingly, over the Army Hymn, being sung by the King's Men.

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The broadcast ended with Marian assuring listeners that God was indeed on the side of the Allied Forces, and Jim announcing that the President would be addressing the nation in just a few seconds. VE Day and VJ Day would come and go, but for those on the home front, the war wouldn't truly be over until their loved ones actually came home. The local defense plant is converting from Wartime industry to making baby buggies, and everyone is on the welcoming committee.

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Everyone except, for some strange reason, our Hero Fibber. So Fibber surprises all by meeting LaTrivia's train at the edge of town. But when he tries to upstage LaTrivia, the returning Coast Guardsman gets the last laugh by tricking Fibber into getting back on the train as it leaves the station. Home Listen Now! Old Time Radio. Reactions to the War: Rationing Of course there were reactions to the War in the story line as well.
