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The development and implementation of two industrial chemistry case studies for the Israeli high school chemistry curriculum. Subscribe Search My Account Login. Abstract THIS work is divided into ten sections, to each of which is appended a useful and up-to-date bibliography. Hilditch By. Rent or Buy article Get time limited or full article access on ReadCube.
Chapter XII. Industrial Chemistry | Journal of the American Chemical Society
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In the United Kingdom, ethylene hydration by the Wacker reaction is practiced. When ethylene made from indigenous petroleum becomes plentiful and cheap, it may be advantageous for India and Brazil to use the Wacker process.
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The chapter highlights that Ethylene from fermentation alcohol is another example. Western Europe and Japan would not entertain such a process.
Nor would Saudi Arabia with its plentiful supply of natural gas. But for countries rich in sugar cane, the older process can prove economical if it spares hard currency by reducing imports of oil, especially if the ethylene is to be used within the country. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads.