Freebies christmas cross stitch

Generally, when I'm reviewing the colors of a chart before it's finalized, I will take very similar colors in that design and condense them into fewer colors, so that there aren't so many colors to purchase for one design. Other times, I really do prefer the subtle differences, so I leave them as they are.

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Recently, however, I've taken to noting how many stitches per color are in my designs, and I'm going to try to start using DMC where there are very few stitches used. Of course, if you prefer all overdyed flosses, then simply ask your needlework shop what their suggestion is, based on the dye lots they have in their inventory. My next release is the first in a series of Christmas ornaments!

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This will be a year-long series, with two ornaments per chart released 6 times throughout the year. There are 12 ornaments total plus one more - I'll explain in a bit! If you choose to stitch these as ornaments, each block will be 58w x 48h.

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But if you want to stitch them all on one piece of fabric three horizontal rows with four blocks each, pictured below , your stitch count will be w x h. This stitch count includes four blank rows or 8 threads if using linen both horizontally and vertically between each of the twelve blocks. The ornaments will be stitched on 36 ct.

The threads used on just the Crocodiles and Giraffes are as follows:. If you want to have all the threads on hand for the entire project, regardless of how it is stitched, you will also need the following six colors:. I would also recomment that you have 2 Grapevine and 2 Parchment on hand.

All of the ornaments are stitched in full cross stitch over two threads, but there are just a couple of blocks with a few back-stitches or long-stitches in them. Here is a suggested layout for the ornaments, if you'd like them all stitched as one project:. I would not, however, suggest stitching all of the borders first, as there is one upcoming release that actually extends into its own border by just one stitch. I can't say which one that is, bc it's not out yet, but also because I don't know where you would like your animals placed on the grid above! It's completely up to you!

As a way of introducing this series, I'd like to offer you a complimentary chart called "Noah's Welcome Mat. The grid above shows all twelve borders for the regular releases Here is what the finished Noah's Welcome Mat looks like, stitched by my friend Pat Ryan who also stitched the first two above, and will be stitching the entire series!

You will need

Thank you, Pat! The printable chart is available in the link under the photo. I hope you like these first two Plum Street charts for ! I think this is going to be a fantastic year, and I hope you have lots of fun with your needlework projects Thank you so much for stopping by to visit my blog I'll see you all again soon! Please accept this small gift from me to you, and if you choose to stitch it, my hope is that you will be able to slow down and reflect on why we celebrate this beautiful season of Christ's birthday. Merry Christmas to you! And please click both of the links below the image, or your pattern will not print out correctly!

My goodness I haven't chatted with you since before Thanksgiving? And I just left you hanging with only the first part of the Shepherd's Bush boutique! I am so sorry! There has been an awful lot going on in my household this summer and fall, and believe you me when I tell you I can't believe I lived to tell about it. But let's not relive that. I sat down today and designed a little ornament for you, in case you were all out of things to stitch. Or whatever color scheme you're drawn to this season. Sometimes mine changes from year to year..

Anyway, I hope you all are having a beautiful Christmas season thus far Have fun during Geese Week! Goodness gracious, I've had a terrific time trying to get an internet connection this past week..

I've been struck with Intermittent Internet Syndrome, I'm afraid, which means my modem will suddenly decide to take a nap at the most inopportune times, and I've had to resort to using my phone to get a few things done, but that didn't bode well for me either. But instead of rambling further about my personal technology woes, I should take advantage of this small connection window and announce the winner of the Brew Haha kit!

I had so much fun reading all of your comments about what your perfect fall day looks like.. I read each and every line, and smiled at all of the different memories and descriptions.

I've put together a little "word collage" below that highlights some of the comments you all contributed; but trust me when I say, this is only a very small sampling of all of the wonderful descriptions! Thank you all so, so much! Rita, please email me your address so I can get your fabric, floss, and pins sent to you! I hope you enjoy stitching on the Stars Hollow linen.. Thank you all again, and I'll see you back here soon! I've got the next Serial Bowl Sampler Lesson almost ready to preview! Oh my, all I've wanted for weeks is for the sun to come out and warm the place up. It finally does just that, to the tune of degrees and wilting flowers, and now all I can think about is fall Orange leaves, bittersweet, masses of bumpy gourds on wooden carts at the pumpkin patch, and pumpkin spice lattes And I wanted to have a pre-autumn celebration giveaway!

And here's another fun new item: Just Another Button Company has come up with the most wonderful little coffee bean pins! Now here is the giveaway part: One winner will receive a piece of 36 ct. Stars Hollow Blend linen to stitch Brew-Haha! The winner will be chosen from the comments left here or on my Plum Street Samplers Facebook page, and will be announced next week - some time after I return from Chicago.

Probably next Tuesday. And surprise! The Brew-Haha! You'll find the link at the bottom of this post. Good luck, and I hope you all have fun with this little giveaway - even if you're in the middle of a heat wave! This is the bottom of the post. Download Brew-Haha! I saw a commercial this morning on the In Touch Ministries website that showed a dad calling each one of his family members down to the living room.

Just Cross Stitch April/May Issue

They had no idea why he wanted them all together, but they soon found that the reason he took the time to interrupt their routines was so that they could all rediscover why we celebrate such a beautiful holiday So before the season is once again past, I'm going to take the time to remember and celebrate what I should have been dwelling on all along: not frenzied shopping and repetitive list-making and seeing to it that all the sticks of butter are at room temperature so I can bake all those cookies, but rather the One whose birth was the first Christmas gift to us all.

Pictured below are some different fabric options, just to give you an idea of what you may want to work with. The link to print is at the bottom of the image. Download This is Christmas. Have just discovered punch needle and enjoyed your video on You Tube. I am sure I'll be a frequent visitor to your site.

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Also love all your patterns and info as well. Thank you for sharing these patterns Lori. I'd like to make some or all of them : thanks so much! Hugs Marg.

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Could anyone tell me where I can buy the mermaid pattern shown on Pinterest? Mermaid has red hair, not really big Thank you, Lori Motley lmotley yahoo. Lori, thank you so much for all the delightful designs you put out.

Just CrossStitch Christmas Ornaments 2019 flip-through

Thank you Lori forbyour awesome Designs for hours of stitching pleasure and these delightful freebies, I grabbed a few lol. Your designs are always so cute. Thank you for sharing. Thank you so much for the freebies. I would like to stitch grand old flag, do you happen to have the color chart that goes with it? Thank you so much. I have read your article and this is really impressive for new readers and this is such beneficial blog for developing knowledge about embroideries techniques.

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