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It's a great deal to look if you are shopping at Bionic gloves. Thanks to preventive cooling, extreme temperature spikes and energy-sapping overheating is avoided. The air is tempered inside the ducts, working like a sluice. Hot, moist air is disposed of using the dynamics of body warmth and then replaced with new fresh air. Our sports wear protects this sensitive area with special channels.
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A film of perspiration - too thin to be noticeable - is left behind to cool the skin. Along an insulation zone on the spine, an overheating of the body is simulated, and the brain kicks in with early sweat production. Even before the body overheats, its cooled by sweat effectively and more quickly. The strain on physical systems is relieved.
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No sweat means insulating air pockets in the wavelike structure protect against cold. Elastic cords ensure your gear stays put. ReflectorStripes: - make for added safety as it gets dark. Expansion Flex Zone at the shoulder joint: - Flexibility of the Expansion Flex Zone and the stretch of the yarn enable unrestricted movement.