Notaries are subject to similar professional rules as solicitors and are required to renew their notarial practising certificates annually and hold professional indemnity and fidelity insurance cover. Renewal is subject to compliance with the rules. A notarial appointment is a personal appointment held by an individual notary. The Notaries Society is the membership organisation that represents approximately notaries public. The Society of Scrivener Notaries represents approximately 30 scrivener notaries who practise mainly in central London, appointed by the Scriveners Company , an ancient guild.
Patent and trade mark attorneys are specialist advisers in the field of intellectual property. They provide legal advice to clients in this field, particularly in relation to patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. Most patent and trade mark attorneys work in private practice. Many work in specialist practices, but some also work in partnership with solicitors.
Additionally, a sizable part of the profession works in industry. Patent attorney and trade mark attorney litigators can represent their clients in court, in the same way as solicitors, for intellectual property cases, including instructing a barrister to conduct the case. Its duties include negotiating with and lobbying government, its independent regulatory arm IPReg and other relevant organisations.
It provides relevant education, training and advice for the Trade Mark Attorney profession and it is responsible for promoting the profession and IP. The Intellectual Property Regulation Board IPReg deals with all regulatory and disciplinary matters, and sets, monitors and enforces standards for patent and trade mark attorneys across the UK. It acts in the public interest and it maintains statutory Registers of patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys, both individuals and entities.
They are civil servants who deal with administrative matters and assist judges.
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They may not provide legal advice. More information on court staff categories can be found here Kb.
They are lawyers either barristers or solicitors with at least a five-year relevant qualification. They advise magistrates on law and procedure both in and out of court. They are also responsible for the management and training of legal advisers, the quality of legal services provided and the provision of consistent legal advice throughout their administrative area.
Legal advisers sit in court and advise magistrates on law, legal practice and procedure. They, too, are legally qualified usually as solicitors or barristers. High court writs are now enforced by high court enforcement officers , who are appointed and assigned to districts by the Lord Chancellor or his or her delegate. They are responsible for enforcing court orders by recovering money owed under a high court judgement or a county court judgement transferred to the High Court.
They can seize and sell goods to cover the amount of a debt.
They also effect and supervise the possession of property and the return of goods. They are civil servants who enforce warrants of execution, repossess land with warrants of possession and recover goods under warrants for return of goods. The regulation for bailiffs who execute warrants is set out in sections 85— of the County Courts Act The procedures for execution are set out in the civil procedure rules. In addition, county court bailiffs carry out other duties, including personally serving documents and warrants of committal.
The regulations on committal are set out in section of the County Courts Act. Certificated bailiffs are private bailiffs certificated under the distress for rent rules, and are authorised by a circuit judge sitting in the county court. Under a number of other Acts, certificated bailiffs are also permitted to enforce other specific debts, such as council tax and non-domestic rates.
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Consumer Law Database. Text of the Directive. Text of directive. Enforcement Systems. Case law Case law.
What to do when you receive a CCJ claim form letter
Case law EU case law. ECLI search engine. Member State case law. International case law. Judicial systems Judicial systems.
Jurisdiction over leasehold issues – county court or First-tier Tribunal?
General information on the organisation of justice at EU and national level. Judicial systems EU courts. Judicial systems in Member States. Ordinary courts. Specialised courts. Legal professions and justice networks Legal professions and justice networks. Legal professions and justice networks EJN in criminal matters. European Law Institute.
Legal professions. European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters. Information on the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters. European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters About the network. Judges and other judicial authorities. EJN's publications. Information on national law information sheets.
Members' section.
COUNTY COURT | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Going to court Going to court. Guidelines and information on cross-border legal proceedings: from initiation to enforcement. Going to court In which Member State? How to proceed? Which law will apply? Legal aid. Costs of proceedings.