This will be done via code from the mailchimp callback hook. Create a controller action in your module.
This is the callback hook that you will configure in mailchimp. The controller would do a bit of basic validation to make sure it comes from the callback, and then use a model to handle the coupon generation and emailing thereof. In mailchmimp you would set the hook as follows: the wkey is just a random generated number, to ensure only the mailchimp hook can call the action.
The code above first checks to see if a person can get a coupon this may not apply to your needs, but included for completness:. You will see the code above gets a numeric value for how many days a person should have been unsubscribed for, before they can again get a coupon. Adjust to your needs how you will populate that. So, if they are valid to get a coupon, we generate one for them.
This is done from a call in the sendCoupon method.
You can see in the code how the generated coupon will be formatted. For a clean solution use what ProxiBlue answered. Looks like it should work.
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I've built an app that enables you to automatically generate a unique coupon code for every new subscribe. Then you can include the coupon in a welcome email sent from Mailchimp. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.
Issue coupon on newsletter signup Ask Question. Asked 5 years ago.

Active 8 months ago. Viewed 4k times.
So lets start: The first step is to go create a Shopping Cart Price Rule, and in the configuration, you set it to use a 'Specific Coupon', and then tick 'Use auto Generation' - do not generate coupons. Hope that helps, and ask if you need some clarification on any of the code. ProxiBlue ProxiBlue 9, 3 3 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges. Sorry for the late reply, but WOW!
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Thank you ever so much for the extremely comprehensive post. Community Browser. Quick links. Register Sign In. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
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