And San Antonio happens to be smack dab in-between two of these said regions, meaning its unique style of barbecue borrows from both. No food defines an entire region requite like Southern BBQ. Here are 7 styles with deals!
One of the most popular cheap eats in San Antonio is an authentic Mexican dish known as menudo. Similar to pozole, menudo is a spicy Mexican soup made with hominy and beef tripe, plus a unique blend of dried chiles. The recipe will vary from restaurant to restaurant, but all will likely serve the dish with cooling garnishes such as sliced radishes, sliced limes, and cilantro. Learn more about menudo and why it makes a great hangover cure by clicking here.

Many a perfectly planned romantic date has gone off the rails once the check comes. After all, with the so-called rules of dating changing all the time, how do you know who the heck is supposed to pay, anyway? To get down to the bottom of it, we asked Diane Gottsman, etiquette expert and owner-founder of The Protocol School of Texas.
Restaurants in San Antonio
The person that invited is also going to be the one to pick up the check and leave the tip. But did you know this cut of meat is actually comprised of two different steaks? The larger half is a strip steak also known as a New York strip or Kansas City steak and is separated by a t-shaped bone from the smaller portion, which is a tenderloin. An excellent steakhouse chef, however, will know to position the tenderloin side on the cooler part of the grill to ensure the entire cut is cooked as evenly as possible.
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Delivery from Chuy's. Spotlight On: Tex-Mex vs.
This menu model did not change until , when seafood options and desserts were introduced. Currently, the Longhorn menu has diversified to accommodate traditional and contemporary dietary habits. Its present menu is regionalized and is divided into lunch, dinner and children's menus. Specials have also been incorporated into the menu as part of their marketing campaigns.
The Official Approach: The Landry’s Select Club
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