He deals the cards as a meditation and those he plays never suspect lyrics

Sting — Shape Of My Heart. Read More Edit Wiki. Lyrics powered by LyricFind. Shape Of My Heart song meanings. Add your thoughts 49 Comments. My Interpretation Sting is not referring to literal cards or card players. The narrarator of the song is talking about God. God is personified as a "dealer" who casts out "cards"--or life situations--to players, or people.

A dealer wins no money, gains no respect, and holds either contempt or reverence. Some wonder how dealers can watch gamblers lose themselves and not be saddened or disgusted--it is by looking at the cards. There is no way to count cards when using multiple decks at a casino--you simply cannot know how many Jacks have gone by before you arrived--dealers focus on the cards, not on the faces and the sacred geometry of chance is the odds of the game played. The hidden law of a probable outcome is the fact that the house always wins: God is looking for the why in what people do with what their given.

Ever since Adam and Eve--nothing is enough, not even the Garden of Eden. I am going by the Christian lore because that is what is most easily identified with the lyrics. People want more and more--consumerism is King, Fashion models are crowned Queens, the Jack refers to the everyday "Joe" "Jack" is also used to mean the average man.

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Chance has no geometry--it's a mixed metaphor. Geometry can be graphed, chance has no shape--it is not a figure, and the belief in it is a matter of opinion. Therefore, God is looking for the hidden law of a probable outcome: that History repeats itself despite new generations, changing times, and multiple variations on world events. The question is: When will they ever learn? The Jacks: The Spades are the swords of a soldier has a dual meaning.

First, calling a spade a spade originally was defined as being direct when speaking one's mind to another. This can often turn into confrontation, so most of society is passive-aggressive, and expects others to "take a hint. The Second meaning is a racial slur against black people in this country that was coined in this too, reflects an aspect of human nature that many Jacks have--whether it's about race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, etc. The Clubs are weapons of war.

Sting – Shape of My Heart Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

He wrote this song, he is the witness, the listeners make him rich, but he is trying to change the way we view society and each other with this song. He acknowledges his music makes him rich, but his heart is not a stone diamonds are a gemstone. Sting then speaks of himself to the audience, the people. He makes the music for the good of mankind--to entertain, to teach, to learn from the feedback on his work.

But what happens when a celebrity tells fans he loves them? Most think, "He doesn't even know me, how could he love me? What a phony. He is just a man. The Tough Part: I believe Sting is tying together the types of Jacks mentioned--The soldier spade , the elitists clubs are speaking--always.

Preaching, criticizing, condeming, complimenting themselves. But as time moves on, they do not. It is impossible to speak and listen at the same time. And if they don't listen, they learn nothing. That is all I will say--it's far too broad a topic and this is long as shit already.

But the last new line, "those who fear are lost" refers to the fourth card class not mentioned. Sting references his own heart, but not that of a card. If you got through that, I thank you. I welcome comments--I wrote this in one draft so I may have left things out or misspoken, but I can't read it over--I'm tired. There was an error. Flag fael on December 09, So this guy's a philosopher, he's not playing for respect and he's not playing for money, he's just trying to figure out the law - there has to be some logic to it.

He's a poker player so it's not easy for him to express his emotions, in fact he doesn't express anything, he has a mask, and it's just one mask and it never changes.

Bravo, You're right. Flagged mamadiano on November 07, Indeed an interesting interpretation to the song…though I think you went far deeper with your meaning than what was actually intended for the song.

Shape Of My Heart (Sting Cover)

Still that's the beauty of music…it's a lot like life…we take out of it what we each want to. Still your thoughts were fascinatingly deep. Flagged altamber8 on November 18, I found it beautiful, insipiring and transcending, and I love this song all the more for it! Flag jptheron on January 29, I cannot verify some of the oints you mentioned but damn they make such beautiful "sense" Flagged wilson on November 09, Happy people do not need to treat others down with insults that wouldn't phase a hippie 40 years ago, let alone an adult today.

Very insightful. Flag SabaiSamurai on April 28, The chances could reveal their meaning in the "probable outcome" unique to the individual who has been handed their hand after play, but given the lyrics - Title " So much for my ambidexterity coming to an all for everything explanation.

Flag thebunce on October 07, Did you start out writing it about yourself or someone else? He had a sort of philosopher streak in him. And part of my interest in the subject was the idea of the card player whose job it is never to show emotion, either positive or negative - which makes him a quite difficult person to live with or to have a relationship with because he has a hard time expressing his love.

Q: What part of the song is about you? I'm not sure I need to win anymore. I enjoy to play the game for other reasons. No Replies Log in to reply. General Comment The playing card deck actually developed from the Tarot, so there is something to the idea of reading fate in playing cards.

Shape Of My Heart

Sting dabbles in that stuff, like reading tea leaves. The idea of the song is in two parts. First, the dealer reads his own fate in the cards while dealing a game for others. It will also sound uneducated unless the other person is aware that you're doing it deliberately. But when such language appears in song lyrics, poetry, etc.

This is the same sort of language that often features double negatives, usage of "ain't", etc. I wouldn't advise trying to imitate this sort of speech as a foreign speaker, unless you become so fluent that nobody can tell you're a foreign speaker. The reason is, even if you use this sort of speech correctly and skillfully, people might just think that you learned English improperly. Anyway, if I had to describe the nuance, I would say that it gives the sentence a more "down-to-earth" feel -- that is, the opposite of lofty, flowery language.

Also, sometimes "doesn't" might be shortened to "don't" to better fit the meter of a song or poem, but it will still usually carry the same nuance.

sting - shape of my heart (lyrics).avi

Some people will deliberately use all sorts of "improper" English for effect. For instance, "A little rain ain't never hurt nobody. I would describe it as a difference in verb form. I also wouldn't say "vice versa"; one could say "he don't know", but one couldn't say "I doesn't know" without sounding very silly or foreign.

It is very common in all forms of English. Sting, in fact, is British. Listen to furrykef Thank you, you're right about the vice versa thing. Didn't think about it that way!

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However, "don't" technically is a particle even though we don't think of it as one it's really the 'do' particle negated with the 'not' particle, so two particles kind of both of which symbolize meaning that have no concrete attributes.
