More on shipping zones here. Bam baby, you are ready to disseminate that coupon code throughout the web and make your millions! Individual use only prevents this coupon from being used when another one is already applied, or applying additional coupons after this one was already added. With the Products box, you can begin typing the name of one or more of your products and then select them from the dropdown that appears.
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Otherwise, if you chose one of the Product type discounts from the Discount type dropdown, then this is where you set which product the coupon applies to. If they have that product and others, the discount is only applied to that product. Product categories can be used to apply coupons to entire categories.
In our refrigerator vs. We just type in clothes here, and bam, the coupon will only work for items in that category. Inversely, we could type refrigerators into Exclude categories.
And perhaps most awesomely, we can even limit a coupon to a specific customer by entering their email address in the Email restrictions box. We can further limit how often our coupons can be used on the next tab, Usage Limits. Enter a number in Usage limit per coupon. Once the coupon has been used to complete the checkout process that many times, no matter who has used it, it will no longer work.
Give Limit usage to X items a value if you want to restrict how many items the coupon can apply to. Sebsoft Plugins Lead maintainer.
What are promotional codes?
View other contributions. Early bird 3. Privacy friendly. Show comments.

Harold Buck. Okay, I managed to get everything up and running, but I have an issue. What I would like to do is have one coupon code I can put into a training guide, so that anyone who has that code can register.
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I am not seeing that as an option. I thought I had seen that before, but I might be conflating it with aMember. Sebastian Berm. Hi everyone, Ob: We've send you an e-mail on all adresses we have. Stephane; Moving blocks inside the template is not supported at this time, it's buildable, but would require customisation. Harold: One code good for uses? It is a feature for the ClassicPay plugin, but not for Coupon at this time.
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Will that work for your case? Wrina Iamwe. Hello, Moodle Version: 3. You can search for this page title in other pages, or let us know by posting about it in one of the Moodle community forums. Rogier van Dongen. Hello Wrima, Can you confirm for us that, for the course s you've generated the coupons for, a manual enrolment instance is actually available, enabled and correctly configured?
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This is the most common mistake that seems to be made when making use of this plugin. Thanks in advance. Franky Just. Hello, If one is using the workaround for adding a coupon field for signing up to Moodle, this signup page is or can't be styled in the layout of the used theme. When one wants to have a styled page you have to hack the file signup. Is it possible for future development to build in an option to style the signup page? I have a suggestion for a possible improvement of this very nice plugin.
When you want to generate pdf's it's only possible to see the end result when sending them actually with mail.
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It would be nice when there would be an option to show the pdf before sending. Especially when you are testing with different logo's, or with text-adjustments, this would be very handy. New version 4. I cannot stress this enough! Lots of translations have been changed, so any customisations should be reset in some cases. The reason for saying this is because coupons are no longer being sent as an attachment: we've changed functionality to a include download link for the coupons. This is due to the fact we've increasingly received issues where the "mail was never sent".
Knowing what's wrong helps us make it right. An error has occurred! Let us know using the 'Contact Us' link below. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy. How to apply a discount or access code to your order Updated by Antwonne D.
Here's how you do it: Locate your event and select "Get Tickets". Click "Enter promotional code". Enter and apply the discount or access code. Confirm your entry was successful. Optional: "Code not valid".