May Meeting: Lazer Tag! Saturday, May 21, Be there by pm; First Round starts around pm. Be there early! New games start every 20 minutes, with a 20 minute break between.
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They also have Bumper cars, and Mini Golf. Bring a favorite movie or TV episode. We'll vote on the option and make time for one or two selections. Please bring a potluck item to share, and non-perishable donations to the church food pantry are appreciated as thanks for use of their space. Please join and enjoy the merriment. Please share what you'll be bringing both viewing and eating-wise, and enjoy the merriment! Join us for retro gaming and a breakfast themed potluck. Please bring breakfast foods to make waffles, pancakes, French toast, eggs, or breakfast meats.
Sliced fruits, danish, coffee cakes and cinnamon rolls are suggestions for additional items. Hot drinks and cold juices will be provided. Anyone able to lend a television screen, monitor, or retro game system to enhance playtime for all, would be appreciated! Contact us at info risfc. The Freebie Sci Fi table did well last month, so feel free to bring items again. Please help us thank the church for the use of the meeting space by bringing a non-perishable food item for their pantry. As February is traditionally a colder month, we wanted to keep our meetings hot, but our fun light.
So join us in the Friendship Room for a potluck meal of warm soups, hot sandwiches, and heated beverages. Bring your favorite board games to play with others. As this is a "chill" event, please feel free to wear relaxed clothing, appropriate sleepwear is even encouraged. So please bring a potluck dish and your favorite beverage to share, and your favorite Board games. Non-perishable food donations to the church's pantry are appreciated as thanks for the free use of the space. Anyone able to lend their crockpots, Panini presses, sandwich makers, or Foreman grills for the night would also be appreciated.
Contact us at if you have any questions.
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On January 8, the list will be sent to our sales rep with the Bruins. He will contact everyone individually to arrange payment. No need to send payment now. January Meeting: Holiday Party! RSVP's a must to info risfc. We will also be collecting membership dues for Club members will be going to see this film on two dates: Thursday, December 17, , 7 pm, for the 3D show at CinemaWorld in Lincoln, R.
Join us! We encourage everyone to bring a favorite card game or board game, as well. Please feel free to choose a different item; however, please keep in mind our picnic theme. Non-perishable food donations to the church pantry are appreciated as thanks for the free use of their space and utilities. Join us to see the latest James Bond film!
Movie Meeting: The Martian. Tuesday, October 6, Showcase Cinemas, Warwick Mall. Join us for a festive night of costuming, pumpkin decorating, Holiday Mad-libbing, and more.

Please bring a goulishly named or themed food item to share at the event. A contribution to the church pantry for use of our meeting space would also be appreciated.

In our continuing efforts to seek out new members and bring in additional inspiration, we are requesting monetary donations toward our cause of sugar enticing treats. We will lure passersby towards our table, dazzle them with our clubs awesome-ness and convince them to join us at a future event. Movie Meeting: The Man from U. Show starts at pm, so set your Chronometers to arrive early.
Show starts at pm. Time Travelers: set your Chronometers to arrive early before the film begins! Movie Meeting: San Andreas. Tuesday, June 2, , pm show. Cinemaworld, Lincoln, RI. Movie Meeting: Tomorrowland! Sunday, May 24, Sunday, May 17, Please note that this film is 2 hours long, and is rated R. Saturday, June 13, , Noon till dusk. Charcoal grills available on site. We're at Site 14, near the restrooms. We will have games, and more. Tuesday, May 5, April Meeting: 5 Minute Interest Intros. What's your passion: Steampunk, books, comics?
Each person gets 5 minutes to talk about their favorites. Don't worry about not being good at public speaking, we'll guide you the entire way. Also, it's a Potluck dinner, so bring a dish to share, a beverage, and a canned good donation for the church's food pantry. March Meeting: Board Game Night! Bring your favorite board games, and the Club will provide ice cream sundaes! February Meeting; Movie Meeting! Dinner at Ruby Tuesdays after the film. Games, crafts and lots of Post-Holiday fun! December Meeting: Hobbit Movie Marathon!
We'll be watching the first two Hobbit movies, to get ready for the final film, which premieres December 17th!
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Please bring snack-type items and drinks, and don't forget a canned good donation for the church's Food Pantry. Run time is 2 hrs. We'll search for food after the bowling party. Costume Contest, please bring 'spooky themed' food, and a Mystery Book exchange wrap a favorite SF novel in plain paper, write a brief general description without giving away the title. Next meeting, we'll return the books. We'll also have games, show horror movies, and have an awesome time.
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It's a Potluck dinner, so please bring some food, something to share, and your favorite dvd's. Finally, September 28th is our 27th Anniversary, so yes, there will be cake!
Movie Meeting:'Guardians of the Galaxy. Movie Meeting: 'Lucy. This one's rated R. Dessert after the movie? Movie Meeting: Transformers: Age of Extinction. Tuesday, July 1, , pm show. Keep in mind that this is a 2hr. Movie Meeting: 'Maleficent', Tuesday, June 3, , pm. Noon to sunset. Cookout, games, Sci Fi Journal taping. Watch for more details. Movie Meeting: Godzilla!
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Dinner site to be decided after the movie. After the movie, was can decide where to eat! May Meeting: Saturday, May 10, We'll be making Sci Fi Letterbox stamps for our Summer meeting, and a few surprises too.