Skico would reduce the number of rent-controlled units from eight to two. It would eliminate six-bedroom units from its housing mix and convert them to four-bedroom units. The amended project would have 38 units with bedrooms.
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In addition, commercial space fronting Robinson Street would be restored. In Alternative 1, the commercial space is converted to residential.

Several members of the public who spoke at the May 14 meeting opposed allowing use of on-street parking for the project. Whatever route the council goes, one thing is certain — the site will eventually be developed even if Skico walks away. That specific block within Willits is approved for ground floor commercial space with 93 free-market residential units in upper floors.
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It could be home to as many as people. The town has scheduled another public hearing on the project Tuesday night. Discussion is scheduled to begin at p. Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. If you don't follow the rules , your comment may be deleted. Scott Condon The Aspen Times This image shows where Aspen Skiing Co. Whole Foods is in the upper center of the photo. Highway 82 is on the upper end. Willits Lane is off the photo on the bottom end. Courtesy image. The project also features 27, square feet of commercial space.
Protect your hearing aids when you are not wearing them — Your new devices are tough, but they are not indestructible. So when you do take them off to shower or go to bed, store them out of the reach of children and pets. Contact your doctor or vet if a battery or hearing aid is accidentally swallowed.
Your hearing aids don't like water — Damp places like bathrooms, and dust and dirt, are not ideal for hearing devices. We suggest you use a hard case to keep them safe when you are away from home, such as at the beach or swimming pool. In especially humid climates, you may want to invest in a hearing aid dehumidifier. Ask your hearing care provider for more information on what is the right option for your model. With hearing aids, you can reset your hearing to normal — It's time to readjust your hearing to the world. If you had the volume turned up high on your TV, ask someone with normal hearing to set your TV volume to a normal level, and then keep it there.
That will help you gauge what the volume level sounds like to others while you get used to your new hearing aids. In the interim, you might try watching the TV with subtitles on, to help retrain your brain to connect sound and language. You can also get used to your devices by closing your eyes and trying to hear where sounds are coming from.
That way, we can work with you to confirm whether your hearing aids need adjusting or if you have any questions on how to use them. If you have issues in the interim, please call to make an appointment sooner. We can usually make adjustments to the sound so your hearing aids are minutely tailored to you. A few tweaks may make all the difference. Features may be tricky — Ask for help! Having issues pairing your hearing aids to your phone or other electronics?
Perhaps you need help using an app that connects your hearing aids to other devices?
- Aspen Skiing Co. tweaks Basalt housing plan but lobbies for original alternative.
- Ear Technology Tweak Hearing Amplifier Replacement Tips/Domes, Medium.
- Purchase Accessories?
Your hearing care professional can help you so that you can take advantage of your hearing aids' technical features. Make notes on any issues with your hearing — We get it.
Sometimes you have a problem on Monday, but it isn't bothering you on Wednesday, but perhaps we can help you address it anyway. If you aren't scheduled to see your hearing care provider for a few weeks, we encourage you to jot down notes on any issues or questions. It can also be a great help to bring a relative or friend along, since they will bring their own perspective, and may have noticed things that you have not.
We can also educate them on how to adjust your hearing aids, change the batteries or help you keep them clean. Daily maintenance makes a big difference — Remember, use a clean cloth to wipe excess wax or other debris off your hearing aids each night. If you have rechargeable hearing aids, make sure you perform this task before you recharge them.
Remember that you aren't alone! Your hearing care professionals are here for you. Related posts. One of the best ways to maintain brain fitness as you age is to stay mentally engaged through an active social life. You can achieve cognitive acuity through communicating with the world around you. When hearing loss interferes with your ability to connect with friends and loved ones, it increases your risk of cognitive decline.
Fortunately, you may be able to improve your hearing, keep your brain fit and slow down the accelerated cognitive decline linked to hearing loss. Read Now. Worried about getting swimmers ear or what to do to protect your hearing aids during summer's heat and humidity? HearingLife has tips from two audiologists. If you need hearing aids but are concerned about the cost, HearingLife has options for you. Learn about ways to help you keep your hearing devices within budget. Request a call back Locate a hearing center Use our hearing center locator to find options near you Find HearingLife near you.

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