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Cabinet Regulation No. The Regulator shall, within a time period of six months from the date of coming into force of this Law, issue the laws and regulations referred to in Section 9, Paragraph one, Section 10, Section 12, Section 27, Paragraph two, Section 30, Paragraph two and Section 32, Paragraphs two and five. The following laws and regulations issued by the Regulator shall be applied until the date of coming into force of the laws and regulations issued by the Regulator referred to in Section 10 and Section 32, Paragraph two of this Law insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law:.

The term "universal postal service" used in this Law shall conform with the term "general postal services" used in other legal acts and in the individual licence insofar as it is not in contradiction with this Law. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations provided for in Section 31, Paragraph one of this Law by 31 December By 31 December , a provider of the universal postal service shall be compensated for any losses caused by the provision of delivery services of the subscribed press publications from the State budget a lump-sum payment for the previous year provided that the income not generated due to tariff reductions of the delivery services of subscribed press publications is not compensated.

The reserved special rights of a postal operator, which provides the universal postal service, to accept, convey and issue letter-post items weighing no more than 50 grams, shall remain in force until 31 December The reserved special rights referred to in Paragraph 6 of these Transitional Provisions may be ignored by a different postal operator, for which the tariff for the items referred to in Paragraph 6 exceeds, by 2. Compensation of losses caused as a result of fulfilment of other universal postal service obligations the losses not referred to in Paragraph 5 of these Transitional Provisions shall be applied to the period of time beginning with the date of entry into force of this Law.

Until 31 December the universal postal service throughout the territory of the Republic of Latvia shall be provided by a postal operator which has been issued an individual licence for the provision of general postal services until the day of coming into force of this Law. Without organising the tender provided for in Section 27, Paragraph three of this Law, the Regulator shall stipulate the obligations of the universal postal service for such postal operator until 31 December , not applying them to the delivery services of subscribed press publications.

After the time period referred to in Paragraph 10 of these Transitional Provisions the Regulator shall not organise the tender referred to in Section 27, Paragraph three of this Law and shall extend the obligations of the universal postal service for two years from 1 January for such postal operator who has been imposed the obligation to provide the universal postal service until 31 December Until 31 December the obligations of the universal postal service shall not be applied to the delivery services of the subscribed press publications.

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Until 31 December the delivery services of the subscribed press publications throughout the territory of the Republic of Latvia shall be provided by the postal operator which until 31 December has been imposed the obligation to provide the universal postal service, and such postal operator shall be compensated from the State budget the losses which have arisen in providing the delivery services of the subscribed press publications during the time period from 1 January until 31 December , provided that the income not earned due to tariff reductions of the delivery services of the subscribed press publications are not compensated.

The losses which have arisen in providing the delivery services of the subscribed press publications are the difference between the actual costs of the delivery services of the subscribed press publications and the price stipulated in accordance with the procedures referred to in Section The postal operator providing the universal postal service shall calculate losses according to the methodology for calculation of tariffs of the universal postal service and the methodology for calculation and determination of the net costs of fulfilment of the obligations of the universal postal service, and shall submit it to the Ministry of Transport together with the audited report.

The losses shall be compensated in two parts - the first payment shall be made in the current year on the basis of a calculation of the provider of the universal postal service, which is based on the operational data, compensating the losses indicated in the calculation in full amount; the second payment, compensating the remaining part of losses, shall be performed in the following year after submitting the audited report to the Ministry of Transport.

The abovementioned losses shall be compensated for in after submission of the audited report to the Ministry of Transport. Amendment to this Law regarding supplementation of Section 13 with Clause 6, rewording of Paragraph one of Section 31, and Sections The Cabinet shall, by 15 May , issue the regulations provided for in Section Amendment to this Law regarding rewording of Section 27, as well as Sections The Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section Until the day of coming into force of the regulations referred to in Section 49, Paragraph one of this Law Cabinet Regulation No.

The terms used in this Law "cross-border postal items" and "cross-border postal services" shall conform to the terms used in other legal acts "international postal items" and "international postal services", insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law. Until the time when the fund for compensation of the universal postal service commences operation the net costs of the fulfilment of the obligations of the universal postal service shall be compensated from the State budget.

Until the time when the relevant amendments are made to other laws and regulations the term "postal network access point" shall conform to the term "point for the provision of postal services" used in this Law, insofar as it is not in contradiction with this Law. Teksta versija. The translation of this document is outdated. One funny story: I walked into a post office not the usual one and asked for IRCs Of course, I asked to speak with the manager My own reason for not accepting IRCs any more is that they can only be exchanged for stamps.

Stamps are the most expensive way of sending a letter. Not only do you pay over the odds to purchase the IRC but the exchange is only valid for the basic standard post service. I cannot use IRCs against this account. I use the money to pay for QSL printing and Bureau costs which can be quite considerable. They have union-protected jobs, with guaranteed pay raises and promotions, generous union-negotiated benefits, and lavish retirement plans.

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Yes, electronic communications has reduced the demand for first class postal services. However, that just suggests that postal service organizations should be even more welcoming to those customers who still wish to use their services. Why would a non-ham even care enough to post about an amateur radio issue as boring and mundane as IRCs? If you're going to dismiss someone, at least have a reason that makes sense. Support for Non-Ham comment above. Email address: Email address not available. Non-Ham troll, 'Nuff said. And that is your standard response to an opinion which differs from yours, dismissing the other person as being stupid"?

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It would appear a well reasoned substantive response is far too much of a challenge for you? Ah, yes. They do have an interest in keeping the organization viable into the future, and that requires revenue, but they're not rolling in dough. Even with the recent membership dues increase, they're still tracking below the rate of inflation. When you get down to it, the IRC is really just an international form of currency that's only valid for purchases at the local post office.

It could be replaced by other international payment methods, like PayPay or Bitcoin.

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  7. I'll admit that receiving and holding in your hand a paper QSL is neat, but the system of delivering it is archaic. It's really the content on the card that is important, the printing. That could be sent electronically without every having to go through the arcane and troublesome IRC and postal process. We need something more professional.

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    This is something ARRL should take on How many times have I been asked for "2 IRCs"? Too many and over too many years.

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    Because contrary to what the treaty says, several countries do not give "one unit of first class international postage" for an IRC. Or, that unit now covers half an ounce or something. All I know, is that it doesn't really work the way it was intended. Never did. Go ahead, hire an "international law lawyer" and file suit in the Hague or something. I truly wish you joy of it; but my expectations are low. Postal services all over the world struggle to make money.

    The electronic world has drastically reduced mail volumes. So, we're no different than anyone else. And, how many of us use green stamps or OQRS? IRCs are now a minority of a minority function even for us. Given that, and given their increasing rarity generally, is anyone surprised that this treaty gets implemented "creatively" or simply ignored? Sometimes, treaties are repealed not by overt action, but one by one, official by official, country by country as things are obsoleted by events.

    That's what's happening here. Not nearly enough folks care about this, so it's an easy budget cut. Because many ham operators believe the world revolves around amateur radio, and therefore, the world should pander to hams. This has nothing to do with how popular or unpopular they are. Postal services are required to expend time, energy and expenses supporting IRCs because their countries signed a treaty that they would do so. As far as I know IRCs were never popular but it is only in the last few years that it has become this difficult dealing with them. They are meant to be a service for those who would use them.

    A conspiracy is not necessary for a war. This war consists of a lot of "skirmishes" all over the world. The UK stopped selling them one year and the USA the next-- perhaps someone got the idea from someone else? It's that demand for the IRC has plummeted as everyone other than radio amateurs have found better means of communicating not involving paper and the postal system. Why should postal services expend time, energy, and expenses supporting something that isn't in demand? If I get the card fine, if they choose not to, fine.

    My experience is different.

    Community Comments

    Or, rather, it has changed over time. Twenty years ago, I would have agreed. Not now. They are now hard to get in the US and other countries and difficult to redeem here and elsewhere.
