Why it works: Abandoned shopping carts are a pretty big deal, costing online retailers So I love this idea of offering a coupon code to a person that abandoned a cart. Why it works: I love this series of deals that create urgency. You want to be one of the first 25, right? Losing half of a discount is a huge incentive to be quick on the draw. Why it works: This is another good use of mystery and suspense. And when they do, you can entice them with the goods that are already on sale.
Plus, the idea of saving additional money on already-marked down prices is tempting for almost anyone. Why it works: This coupon is paired with a traditional traveling holiday. Maybe you had already discounted a trip because of the dog. This offer gets you dreaming again, and due to its timeliness, would be hard to resist.
Why it works: I love the simplicity of this. It even looks like an old-school coupon. Shop now. The idea is that you offer a lower, entry-level priced good to a potential customer to get them into your customer ecosystem. You can them build trust and offer higher-priced products. Why it works: Tech-minded folks know about Oculus, the leader in Virtual Reality technology. Why it works: Traditionally, a tripwire costs something. In this case, it costs time. The customer has to come in for the consultation. The end result is a 3-D design that helps the customer envision an ideal future. Why it works: Rather than offer a different, entry-level product to entice new customers, HelloFresh simply discounts their main offering for a first time purchase.
And if you like it, well you might as well sign up for the service. Why it works: This is another example of taking an expensive product and offering it at a more attractive price in order to obtain a new customer. More than likely, if someone purchases this product, they have other gear needs. Or perhaps this builds the trust needed to come back to ProAudioStar when they are ready to purchase.
Brands like Nordstrom have carved out a niche by offering sales only twice a year.
People wait all year for their chance to save some cash. A recurring sale creates pent up expectation, and when it comes around, people are ready to spend. Why it works: In essence, this is you giving gifts away for your birthday.
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This is something that customers will look forward to every year. Why it works: It happens every year, back-to-school shopping. People expect a sale. After all, mom and dad might as well treat themselves while they buy stuff for the kiddos.
Why it works: Summer is traditionally a slow time for retailers. Lane Bryant takes advantage of the end of summer to unload unsold stock in preparation for next summer.
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The GIF is fun, the offers are enticing, and there is sense of urgency created by saying the summer clothes will be gone after the sale. Iberostar takes advantage of this. There is a great selection of bras, shapewear, sleepwear, and more to take advantage of. Looking for a deal on Vanilla Beans?

Here are 3 options. Use the beans to make your own vanilla extract, vanilla bean ice cream and more. I have purchased these beans from this company before and they are awesome!
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Do you love quinoa as much as I do? The salad keeps for several days. Too cold to go to the zoo? A recurring sale creates pent up expectation, and when it comes around, people are ready to spend. Why it works: In essence, this is you giving gifts away for your birthday. This is something that customers will look forward to every year. Why it works: It happens every year, back-to-school shopping.
People expect a sale. After all, mom and dad might as well treat themselves while they buy stuff for the kiddos. Why it works: Summer is traditionally a slow time for retailers. Lane Bryant takes advantage of the end of summer to unload unsold stock in preparation for next summer. The GIF is fun, the offers are enticing, and there is sense of urgency created by saying the summer clothes will be gone after the sale. Iberostar takes advantage of this.
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How can your business take advantage of similar situations? Why it works: There are cultural events that happen every year where people are in the mood to shop. The Super Bowl is one of those. By tying messaging in a fun way into the event, they get in on the fun with fans, who are feeling loose and happy. Interested in Keap?
In Stores & Online
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