It can be so easy to get over ambitious! In fact, I think that is what makes some people burn out with couponing and stockpiling- they think they need to do every single deal that they see and forget to be choosy. Thanks for your great input and also for your compliment. I really struggled knowing how to explain it all in a simple way that would make it easy for people to follow and understand, so your words meant a lot!
It all adds up to a wonderful safety net — with or without the zombies! Through the ups and downs of life this has worked wonderfully for me. Even though we are now living in square feet on a boat I still stockpile and find it helps keep our retirement budget intact. Start now, start small, but start is my advice.
I love that you are making stockpiling work for you even though you live in super small space! We actively stockpile diapers because sales are actually worth it—sometimes. You bring up a good point, Trish! Even stockpiling for the sake of saving time or gas is worth it sometimes. I have to give this a try with these great tips! I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now! Great tips here! Thanks for sharing!!! Thanks for the great tips here. Visiting via Inspire Me Mondays!
Coupons are a double edged sword imo. I always forget or get busy. I also need to find a way to keep the lemons our trees are producing.
- piggly wiggly double coupon deals.
- Sunday Coupon Inserts.
- How to Use Pegboards for Stockpile Organization.
- 4 5 star holiday deals!
- Stay Organized All Season Long! (Your Schedule, Your Spending, Your Stuff).
I was thinking of juicing them and freezing the juice. The next house I definitely want more room for trees. Thanks for your input, Sarah! The way I condone using coupons though is to only use them if the item you buy is something you need or will definitely use AND by using a coupon for it you can get it cheaper than you can the generic equivalent. I also know that what stores you shop at makes a big difference.
This particular stores doubles coupons too, which helps a lot! Jealous of those lemon trees! And yes, I would definitely think that freezing the juice would be a good option. My cousin has a really nice meyer lemon tree, and they juice the lemons, put it in ice cube trays, then store the cubes in freezer bags. Whenever they need lemon juice for a recipe, they just pull out as many cubes as they need. They also just put a cube or two straight into a glass of ice tea.
It works out great! Your email address will not be published. Recipe Rating.

Home Welcome! I use my gift stockpile when I need a filler for another gift or I need a hostess gift for a party that I am headed too.

Baby stockpiles are huge and can save a lot of money! When you have your first baby shower you will get a variety of baby products and sizes. You will need to keep all of your items organized. If you plan on using disposable diapers for your baby than start stocking up on diapers when you go grocery shopping before you have your child.
Couponing stockpile | Stockpiling | Couponing for beginners, Money saving tips, Coupon stockpile
This does two things. The first thing it does is it allows you to stock up on different size diapers. The second thing it does is it gets your budget used to pay for them until your child is potty trained. Extreme couponers or extreme stockpile builders, might not agree with this secret of stockpiling.
There is a limit to your stockpile!
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There will come a point when enough is enough. When is that you say? If you have a large family I can see how going through these items would be faster than others. There is a limit to how many you will need for two years. At that point, it is just taking up space or will end up in the trash! If you are at the point where you are looking for more space to house your stockpile then you have enough.
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I used to watch Extreme Couponing all the time and was so jealous of the inventory. Now, living in my own house I have just enough of what I need to save money. I remember watching episodes and people had so much inventory they would use their oven for storage. Limit yourself to a certain area of your house. Whether that is a section in the garage, pantry, basement, or linen closet.
When you start making space in other areas of your house, you know you have too much. Why keep all of the love of your free items to yourself? Give and help others!
Extreme Couponing – Organizing Your Stockpile
Find a local shelter to donate items too. Schools or churches have drives different times of the year that can benefit from your products. If you have neighbors that are going through a tough time or a family member headed off to college or having a baby, share the wealth! The deals are not going to stop. You will be able to replenish your supply and save money doing so. Hi, I'm Brittany Kline! A frugal mom, budgeting fanatic, personal finance expert. With my master's degree in education and life experience, I help families save money, make money online, and live a life of financial freedom.
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