Corrosion coupon orientation

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Corrosion coupon flow rates

No notes for slide. Users of this NACE International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safety, environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use. Users of this NACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, and environmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of this standard.

NACE International requires that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of initial publication. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition.

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This standard outlines procedures for preparing, installing, and analyzing metallic corrosion coupons. Factors considered in the interpretation of results obtained from these corrosion coupons are also included for the use of oil and service industry personnel. Shall and must are used to state mandatory requirements. The term should is used to state something good and is recommended but is not mandatory.

The term may is used to state something considered optional. Processing of Corrosion Coupons Installation of Corrosion Coupons Recording Data on Corrosion Coupon Report Interpretation of Corrosion Coupon Data NPT threaded pipe plug.. NPT threaded pipe plug and special insulating disk that can accommodate eight round rod-type coupons.

Oilfield operations include oil-, water-, and gas- handling systems, and drilling fluids. When used in this standard, system denotes a functional unit such as a producing well; flowline and tank battery; water, oil, or gas collection facility; water or gas injection facility; or a gas dehydration or sweetening unit. Corrosion coupon testing consists of the exposure of a small specimen of metal the coupon to an environment of interest for a period of time to determine the reaction of the metal to the environment.

Corrosion coupons are used to evaluate corrosiveness of various systems, to monitor the effectiveness of corrosion- mitigation programs, and to evaluate the suitability of different metals for specific systems and environments. The coupons may be installed in the system itself or in a special test loop or apparatus.

Application Notes

Corrosion rates shown by coupons and most other corrosion-monitoring devices seldom duplicate the actual rate of corrosion on the system piping and vessels. Accurate system corrosion rates can be determined by nondestructive measurement methods or failure frequency curves.

Data furnished by corrosion coupons and other types of monitors must be related to system requirements. High corrosion rates on coupons may be used to verify the need for corrective action.


If a corrosion-mitigation program is initiated and subsequent coupon data indicate that corrosion has been reduced, the information can be used to approximate the effectiveness of the mitigation program. This standard does not contain information on monitoring for intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion cracking SCC , or sulfide stress cracking SSC.

The latter aspects are discussed elsewhere. Corrosion rate calculations and a typical form for recording data are also included. Coupons are often installed in pairs for simultaneous removal and average mass-loss determination. Coupons may be used alone but they should be used in conjunction with other monitoring methods such as test nipples, hydrogen probes, galvanic probes, polarization instruments, resistance-type corrosion monitors, chemical analysis of process streams and nondestructive metal thickness measurements, caliper surveys, and corrosion failure records.

They show corrosion that has already occurred. A single coupon cannot be used to determine whether the rate of metal loss was uniform or varying during the exposure period. Information on the change in corrosion rate can be obtained by installing several coupons at one time and removing and evaluating individual coupons at specific short-term intervals.

Other monitoring methods mentioned in Paragraph 1. However, corrosion rates in similar systems e.

Effect of orientation and shielding in the early corrosion of mild steel in tidal marine conditions

Additional information can be obtained within a system by varying one exposure parameter at a time e. For example, corrosion rates can be affected by changes in fluid velocity within a system. Corrosion rates can vary dramatically upstream and downstream from the point of entry of a corrodent, such as oxygen. The following procedure should be used to prepare coupons for corrosion testing. Coupons should be new; do not reuse coupons after exposure and analysis.

Grinding operations must be controlled to avoid high surface temperatures that could change the microstructure of the coupon. It is possible for a coupon or holder to undergo SCC if the conditions in Paragraphs 2. Such stress can result from a combination of 5. Nevertheless, broken pieces of coupons or holders can lodge downstream in valves and interfere with their normal operation. | Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books.

Coupons formed by stamping are less expensive than machined coupons. Stamped coupons are satisfactory without additional machining for most oilfield monitoring. Because this is seldom practical, other surface finishes are applied. No specific surface finish is absolutely essential but uniformity is very important when data from different sets of coupons are being compared.

Coupons may be prepared by grinding smooth with grit paper, by tumbling with loose grit, or blasting with abrasive blasting material. A consistent finish may be obtained by blasting with glass beads, but glass beads may not remove mill scale or rust. All abrasives should be free of metallic particles.

Clean, lint-free cotton gloves or cloths, disposable plastic gloves, coated tongs, or coated tweezers should normally be used.

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  8. If oils are not present, cleaning with alcohol or acetone should be sufficient. Record the mass, serial number, and exposed dimensions. Calculate the surface area including the edges and record. The areas covered by the coupon holder and shielded areas of flush- mounted coupons must be excluded. For test nipples or other large corrosion test pieces, see Paragraph 3.

    A typical corrosion coupon report is shown in Appendix A. See Paragraph 2. Any other pertinent data such as shut-in time and changes in velocity and inhibitor treatment should also be recorded. The coupon should be photographed immediately after removal, particularly if appearance of the corrosion product or scale is important.

    Place the coupon in a moisture-proof or special envelope impregnated with volatile corrosion inhibitor and ship immediately to a laboratory for analysis.

    Online Retrieval of Corrosion Coupon - Demonstration - Crystal Industrial Syndicate Pvt. Ltd.

    Do not coat the coupon with grease or otherwise alter it. Gentle blotting with tissue paper or a clean soft cloth may be desirable to remove moisture prior to shipment. Corrosion products or scale deposits should not be removed in the field.

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    If the coupon was not photographed in the field, it should be photographed in the laboratory before and after cleaning.
