Iphone x best deals ee

At a glance

To unlock the handset, simply raise the phone up to your face - and the software will do the rest. You may or may not have seen the iPhone X launch event with Apple's Craig Federighi demonstrating the animated emojis live on stage.

If not, you may have seen one of the memes that quickly flooded the internet in the hours that followed. Using the handset's Face ID to track your movement and facial expressions, these Animojis can mimic your every laugh, head nod or sad face. There are 12 animojis to begin with, including, you'll be pleased to hear, the Poop emoji.

iPhone X 64GB

This means that with the iPhone X, you will be able to send your mum an animated emoji of yourself as a poop. The iPhone X comes with not one, but two cameras on its rear, which stack vertically, in order to encourage users to hold their phone in landscape mode when recording video This all means that you can take some neat photos that focuses on a central image and blurs the background. It also enables the central image to be illuminated. The camera on the iPhone X also features optical image stabilisation on both of its sensors; something that the iPhone 8 doesn't support.

Whether it is on contract or SIM-free, we've rounded up the best iPhone X deals on the market today

This enables much sharper images to be shot in low level light, meaning your snaps at gigs or parties are likely to pick out every blemish and embarrassing moment. Is normal life boring you? Have you always dreamed of watching dinosaurs walking around your city? So what can you do with AR?

Screen size: 5. We think that the iPhone X is the most important iPhone launched since Face ID lets you unlock your phone just by looking at it, the stunning 5.

And to be honest, the its iPhone XS successor doesn't even move things on that much. Read TechRadar's full iPhone X review. Despite the handsets themselves not actually being up for grabs yet, accessories have already started to hit the shelves, including the likes of Proporta and Greenwich. The price of the iPhone 7 has already began to plummet as Apple's new arrival beckons.

If you want to pick up a slightly older, but significantly cheaper iPhone instead, see our guide on the best iPhone discounts here , which includes the 7, 6, 6S and SE. By Molly Holt. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Click to play Tap to play. The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now.

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