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At some point in your life, you have been motivated and stimulated to buy something on impulse: an unplanned and somewhat emotionally driven purchase. Point-of-Purchase Display : A point-of-sale display selling products related to the Easter holiday. These may be new products, a special offer, or may promote special events, such seasonal or holiday-time sales. Note that POS can also refer to systems used to record transactions between the customer and the commerce, such as check-out registers, which are used at the point of sale.

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In smaller retail outlets, POS displays are usually supplied by the manufacturer of the products, but sited, restocked, and maintained by in-store salespersons. This is less common in larger retail outlets with strong purchasing power, because they control supplier activities and prefer to use sales material designed in-house to ensure that store layouts and corporate themes are consistent. POS displays are also useful in outlets with limited floor space, as a way to utilize the much wasted space around counters. The disposable displays are usually covered with product branding.

Displays are visually appealing because designers are able to make full use of color and special printing processes.

Non-disposable displays may include lighting for more visibility or include a cooler for drinks or ice cream. Some are as simple as a metal baskets that are easy to refill or re-stock, with a price sign and no design on the outside. A light box is the advertising industry term for a lighted POS display. These are similar to ones used by photographers, and use fluorescent bulbs to illuminate a poster that has been inserted into the light box from either the side or the rear.

Setting up a display at a cash register, though simple in theory, requires planning and knowledge in order to deliver desired results. Poor results may be caused by:. Online sales promotion can create personal relationships, channels of communication, and an exchange of information regarding a product.

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Discuss on line sales promotion as a sales promotion method and relative to personal selling and sales promotion. Sales promotion techniques are certainly not new but they have been revitalized through new media and technology, especially as it relates to online usage. Internet Marketing Plan : Some of the same promotions that work offline also work online.

Online sales promotions are meant to turn site visitors into consumers. The objective is to get the visitor to take action by contacting a sales representative and ultimately buying the offered product. The methods to accomplish this goal are diverse and include:. The personal touch often makes all the difference when selling.

The development of a relationship with a sales representative created by a personal referral often makes the difference between an inquiry and a sale. Interactivity is the key to site stickiness. The Internet allows sales representatives to reach exponentially more potential buyers. Emails blasts can reach thousands of potential buyers at one time. Videos posted on websites like YouTube have the potential to go viral. Through content and inbound marketing, a sales representative is capable of offering specific, expert, and personalized information to site visitors.

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Social media enables a company and its sales team to make contact with like-minded individuals and to convert those who are unfamiliar with the product or service being sold. Affiliate programs transform site visitors to business partners by offering rewards for referral business. Search engine marketing SEM promotes websites by increasing their visibility on the search results page.

The latter, also referred to as search engine optimization SEO , offers a more organic, natural, and free way to garner a desired ranking on a search results page. Online offers and giveaways are simple and enable marketers to cultivate and gather valuable sales and demographic information. Software companies do this all the time when they offer free downloads, stripped down versions of the software, or trial periods. Online sales promotions enable you to obtain measurable results. Online sales promotions also enable you to see what the competition is doing.

Skip to main content. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion.

Search for:. Promotion Methods in Consumer Sales Coupons A coupon is a ticket or document that can be exchanged for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product. Learning Objectives Show how and why coupons are used as part of sales promotion methods. Key Takeaways Key Points Coupons gain popularity during tough economic times. Coupons offer marketers both advantages and disadvantages.

An effective coupon program can be measured and entices consumers to use the coupons. Key Terms brand awareness : Brand awareness is the extent to which a brand is recognized by potential customers and is correctly associated with a particular product.

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Rebates A rebate is an amount paid by way of reduction, return, or refund on what has already been paid or contributed. Learning Objectives Examine the rationale behind and the use of rebates as part of sales promotions. In some cases, the rebate may be available immediately, in which case it is referred to as an instant rebate.

Even though rebates provide savings to customers, getting their money back requires a lot of work and may not be worth it to some. Key Terms mail-in rebate : A MIR entitles the buyer to mail in a coupon, a receipt and barcode in order to receive a check for a particular amount, depending on the particular product, time, and often, place of purchase.

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Premiums Premiums are prizes, gifts, or other special offers consumer receive when purchasing products. Learning Objectives Identify the rational, types and use of premiums from a sales promotional and personal selling perspective. Key Takeaways Key Points Premiums fall into one of two categories: free premiums which only require the purchase of the product and self-liquidating premiums which require consumers to pay all, or some, of the price of the premium.

Premiums can actually enhance an image and were, in fact, the basis of of the first loyalty marketing programs. Integrate the premium with other marketing tools such as advertising and POP displays. Key Terms Self Liquidating Premiums : require the consumer to pay a designated amount of money for the gift or item.

In-or On-package Premiums : usually small gifts, such as toys in cereal or candy boxes Free Premiums : a sales promotion that only requires buying the product to receive the free gift or reward. Loyalty Marketing Loyalty marketing is an approach whereby a company focuses on growing and retaining existing customers through incentives and rewards. Learning Objectives Discuss the basis, use and impact of loyalty programs as a personal selling and sales promotion tool.

Key Takeaways Key Points Some loyalty marketing industry insiders, such as Fred Reichheld, have claimed a strong link between customer loyalty marketing and customer referral. Contests and Sweepstakes Contests and sweepstakes are two forms of sales promotions which attract consumers by offering them the chance to win a valuable prize. Learning Objectives Discuss the characteristics of contests and sweepstakes and how companies benefit from their use.

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Key Takeaways Key Points Contests normally require the participant to perform some type of activity and the winner is selected based on who performs the best or provides the most correct answers. Sweepstakes entice consumers to submit free entries into drawings of chance not skill that are tied to the product or service wherein the featured prizes are given away by sponsoring companies. Sweepstakes and contests both allow marketers to interact with and gain a better understanding of their target audience and leave customers with a positive image of the company and its products.

Key Terms sponsor : One that pays all or part of the cost of an event, a publication, or a media program, usually in exchange for advertising time. Sampling A free sample is a portion of a product given to consumers at no cost for their trial with the aim of driving product adoption.

Learning Objectives Describe the characteristics and proper methods of sampling.

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Key Takeaways Key Points The purpose of a free sample is to acquaint the consumer with a new product. Samples may also be loaned to the customer if they are too valuable to be given for free. Key Terms social graph : The social graph is a term used for sociograms in the Internet context.

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A sociogram is a graph that depicts personal relations. Point-of-Purchase Promotions Point-of-sale displays are sales promotions that are placed where they can easily draw customer attention and trigger impulse buying. In addition, the Starbucks Rewards registration process may require that you provide the following information: username, password, email address, physical address, telephone number, Starbucks Card number and card security code CSC , birthday, name, and marketing preferences.

All of your Starbucks Cards can be activated and registered for use in Starbucks Rewards, but you may have only one 1 Starbucks Rewards account that is personal to you. If you change the address associated with your Starbucks Rewards account to one that is not located in the United States or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, your Starbucks Cards will continue to function, but your Starbucks Rewards account will be deactivated. During such deactivation, you will no longer be able to earn Stars or redeem Stars for Rewards under your Starbucks Rewards account.
