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Instead of receiving all of them they gave me 14, a one week supply and stated that I will have to call in weekly to have them fill the order and then come and pick it up. They had no regard for the impact this will have on my quality of life having to make a ten minute phone call each week as well as a special trip to the pharmacy.
What a hassle. Stay away from CVS! I suggest everyone to leave CVS asap. Let them go bankrupt. Corrupt as hell companies. Boycott CVS. Has anybody noticed all of the new pain relief products being advertised on television and Facebook? It appears that withholding pain medications from chronic pain patients has created a new market for scammers to take advantage of desperate pain patients seeking some relief. In addition, people are still dying from drugs laced with fentanyl.
Withholding pain medication from legitimate pain patients has done very little to save drug addicts lives. All that has been done is making chronic pain patients lives worse. I have chronic pain from 3 very painful conditions and I also have ulcers throughout my digestive system because of the autoimmune condition I had to have 2 teeth pulled because of a dentist messing up and breaking them while trying to remove fillings that I later realized were fine but it was done and no fixing it.
The dentist gave me a very modest amount of pain medication for 3 days but CVS refused to fill it saying that I could choose between the two, one for breakthrough pain of one pill per day or to treat the pain from the dental surgery!
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Since when did the fucking pharmacy become the policeman of the doctors and dentist! They deserve to go out of business.
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I think you should consult with an attorney, because it sounds like he did some pretty serious damage, handed you a 3-day prescription, and hoped that was the end of it. So agree with Jim. I use Wallgreens and although everything about this opioid prescribing rules is beyond convoluted. All the pharmacies have rules but never have I had them override a Doctors orders.
Im shopping for a medicare part D plan but if CVS is their preferred pharmacy, I will not go with them for that reason only. If your Dental ins is medical, those Dentist will do what ever they get paid for. I had root canal done that I know now was not necessary; yet I want to get a partial to replace a very old bride in the back and they refused it.
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They advertise this as Dental benefit. The wanted me to remove all my top teeth that are perfect before they would pay for it. I was 64 when this happened and I think they look at your age. Plus the more teeth I loose, the less they have to pay out in the future. When ins companys were permitted to operate for profit vs non profit, it was worse decision. In other words they are bought and paid for. To clarify something on my last comment.
The last time a CVS Pharmacy refused to fill my legitimate prescription, I called the Corporation Headquarters to complain, and the so called Customer Service person, hung up on me! Apparently, CVS is very happy with their policy! I suggest contacting your elected officials! Is there any one with Cancer that follows this site and is forced to use CVS as the ins.
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