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The company boasts existing content distribution agreements with major Hollywood as well as local studios, and partnership agreements with TV manufacturers to incorporate its technology into their television sets.

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One of its early backers was angel investor -turned-VC Marc Ingla, a Catalan businessman and famously former vice president and in nearly president of football club Futbol Club Barcelona. Rakuten, meanwhile, continues to make a lot of noise with investments and acquisitions happening all over the world. Sit back and let the hottest tech news come to you by the magic of electronic mail.

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  • Rakuten Acquires illll.xsrv.jp | Media Room.
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  • You'll pay a monthly subscription for unlimited streaming content as you would with Netflix, but you'll also be able to rent or buy new movie and TV releases, as you can with Blinkbox. Currently rivals tend to offer one or the other, either unlimited streaming content comprised of TV series and older film titles arranged through various deals Lovefilm Instant, Netflix or they offer new releases to rent or buy Xbox Movies, Blinkbox.

    Wuaki app (TV): The App Review

    But you'll also be able to rent or buy content. New releases arrive promptly when released from studios, as they are on other platforms. That gives you plenty of flexibility to source content all in one place, but it's worth noting that if you're after something like Breaking Bad, it's sitting on the "paid for" side rather than the unlimited streaming side, so make sure you know what you'll be getting for your subsciption and what you won't when making your decision.

    You can browse the selection of content on Wuaki.
