Expired coupons military address

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When you are organizing coupons and deciding what to send, be sure to send manufacturer coupons only. You should not send coupons for local stores or restaurants. Additionally, avoid sending coupons that are more than 30 days past their expiration date. Though coupons are good for six months after expiration, you need to try and send coupons that are less than 30 days past their expiration date, because shipping time for the coupons can be significant, sending them less than 30 days after expiration helps insure they will arrive in time to be used.

Bag and label the coupons. Place the organized coupons into plastic baggies which are labeled food items and non-food items. Avoid using rubber bands or paper clips when you are organizing the coupons.

Military Coupons: donate expired coupons for military

Mail the coupons. Finally, mail the organized coupons to organizations that ship them to military families stationed overseas. For example, you can send your coupons to:. I love the thought of an extra bonus, as small as it is for our brave men and women.

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  • How to Send Expired Coupons To Military Overseas.
  • It is easy for me to make this decision since being raised in a military family. My dad served in the Army for over 20 years. If you think this is an option for you please read on. The only cost to you is a stamp. If shipping to an overseas military address the cost will remain the same as shipping within the United States. These programs allow you to ship expired coupons to military personnel who can use them or up to six months after the listed expiration date.

    Coupons For Troops Click on the spreadsheet listed and donate directly to those families in need.

    Using Expired Coupons is Legal at U.S. Military Commissaries

    Overseas Coupon Program List of all American military bases overseas which currently participate To Donate to a Family in this program — Fill out this form. Box 70 Daytona Beach, FL There is no minimum amount of coupons needed to participate in these programs.

    Expired Coupons For Military Families

    They only ask that a few little steps be taken to help if you are not paired with a military family. The first being, that coupons be expired no more than 30 days at a time to ensure adequate processing, delivery, and use the time for the recipients.
