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Before you grab your coupon binder and a ton of newspaper inserts, make sure that you get all the facts about hardcore couponing and what it could mean for your shopping habits. The TV program always shows the couponers sitting down and clipping coupons in piles, and even going house-to-house to collect inserts and sheets of coupons.
Of course, an episode is only 30 minutes in length. Some people find that time is better spent earning money as opposed to saving money grocery shopping. Extreme couponers always seem to know where to shop to get the cheapest price, and some of the best deals occur when a store doubles coupons. You could do the same, right?
Hidden Aspects Behind Extreme Couponing
Well, not exactly. Many of the stores featured in the show came under fire when it was discovered that coupons were doubled for the show only. When other couponers headed in to claim the same deal, store owners pointed out that the show was done for promotional reasons only, and coupon doubling was not allowed. Each store has different policies on how many coupons are allowed for each item or each transaction, and you might be turned away when you try to redeem too many.
How do store coupons work?
Extreme couponers display their store receipts like a badge of honor on the show, online, and in their homes. Almost any hardcore bargain shopper can easily tell you about his or her best score; specifically, how much was bought and how much was saved. Plenty of hardcore bargain shoppers purchase extra copies of the newspaper to ensure that they have multiples of each and every coupon, and the cost of newspapers can add up over time.
Next, you need to consider your gas costs. It pays to do the math. Much of the time, the best deals are for processed foods, condiments, and toiletries. Most offer the store a full rebate, as well as additional funds for handling, shipping, and processing. Coupons are made for the casual shopper, not the extreme type.

Grateful and considerate couponers use their coupons to get the best discounts without affecting other shoppers, while extreme couponers do what they can to stretch their money, regardless of how it affects others. Many drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens now carry items you would normally purchase at the grocery store, but by signing up with their loyalty programs you could more than triple your savings on some items.
Also, many small, independent grocery stores double coupons, but may not have the advertising budget to help get the word out.
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- The Myths of TLC's "Extreme Couponing" - How Couponing Really Works.
When shopping for stores that double coupons, always check out the smaller grocery stores. You can maximize your savings by remaining flexible about where you shop and getting familiar with the different promotions each store offers. It may not be a store's policy to double coupons, but often times by asking at the customer service desk, you will find out that they periodically offer double coupon days. Signing up on multiple grocery stores' mailing lists can help you stay informed about any special sales or double coupon day events in your area.
You may be living in an area where more than one store advertises that it doubles coupons. To get the best deal, you want to shop at the stores which offer the fewest limitations. While some stores may not double coupons, you might find that they will match the advertised prices of identical items from other stores within a specific area.
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- How to Start Couponing for Beginners: 12222 Guide.
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Take advantage of it if your store does price match. Always carry the advertisements with you as proof of what items and prices you expect them to match. Generally, most misunderstandings can be resolved so that both the store and the couponer are satisfied. When that does not occur, customers are encouraged to contact the store directors or corporate offices, but solving problems at the store level makes for better harmony during future shopping trips.
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Couponing Basics. By Donna L. Manufacturers' coupons must have "Manufacturer Coupon" printed on it.
Coupons must have a barcode that can be scanned. There should always be a valid remit address usually in small print on the coupon. Coupons should have expiration dates or "No Expiration Date" printed on the coupon. All stores that accept coupons generally follow these policies:. The coupons must be clear, legible, and scannable, and be the original coupon.
For example, if your friend has a coupon that you want, you cannot make a photocopy of the coupon and redeem it. Only one manufacturer's coupon per item is accepted. If you want to use both coupons, you will need to purchase an additional loaf of Wonder Bread. Most stores will not accept an internet-printed coupon that is for more than the regular price of the item. This is because the amount of the coupon is double what the regular price of the bread is and is considered an excessive discount.
Coupons with excessive discounts are likely fraudulent. However, many stores will accept a coupon that is over, if the coupon amount is close to the amount of the item. Most stores will redeem up to the price of the item. Many stores although not all will not give cash back on coupons. When deciphering store coupon policies, you will want to look for specific rules governing:.
Stores may have special coupon days during the week or month. This could include a day when they double coupons, or offer store club members extra discounts or additional discounts to seniors.