Welcome to King Spa & Sauna
Lately, it has attracted a new crowd of adventurous tourists and Brooklyn millennials. After the two men realized they hated running a business together, they decided to split the baths. Each month is now split between "Boris weeks" and "David weeks. Though the clientele has changed over the years, the bathhouse remains one of the few, true melting pots in the city. We visited the baths on a recent Monday afternoon — on a "David week" — to see what we could find in the steam.
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When my therapist returned I told him what happened. He dismissed my anger with "he's like As i was leaving the treatment room i saw the creepy man entering the shower. Who knows who else and how long he was spying on others. This place just lets anyone in without regard to rules, safety, etc. No one held this pervert accountable UNTIL his behavior was inappropriate with another customer in which I was told m he was then kicked out. Who knows? I would definitely do another turkish bath in the future but at a place that can ensure my privacy and safety more securely.
I'm still in shock. Not quite, but the Russian and Turkish Baths are a close approximation. Check your good judgement and your modesty in the safety deposit box with your watch and wallet, and in return you'll get a couple keys on a rubber band. The promised towels and robes are dark blue or rust colored shmates stuffed on a shelf outside the grim locker room, in which no running water or bathroom facilities exist.
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Don't even touch the shower shoes in a bin. A friend and I went for the experience on ladies day with a groupon, well aware that this is not a spa but we truly had no concept of how bizarre it is. The various steam and sauna rooms down in the dark and dank basement range from just incredibly hot to burn-your-lungs-inseconds hot. The tantalizing buckets of cool water in the Russian sauna gave relief for an instant until it began to boil on your skin. These buckets are also the only source of drinking water, so bring your own bottle there's one suspicious sink in the basement at which everyone shaves.
Hell is a room degrees hot with a cool shower tempting but the dangling stick by which to draw the water, unreachable to me, at 5' tall. We were instructed to ask for Rosa for our mud and salt treatments, but she found us. Dressed for work in two hand towels - one wrapped around her body, one turban style on her head, she berated us for being there when she had regulars to attend to we tried to make an appointment in advance but were told to just show up.
She complained incessantly to everyone and at high volume, her voice reverberating in the space, saying that she doesn't get any respect and that working there was bad for her health because of the lack of air. In retrospect it was hilarious; at the time it was a nightmare. To drown out the yelling I put my fingers in my ears and hummed 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and my friend in the adjoining 'treatment room' - ie hell hole, began to worry about me.
Why did she take the keys on the rubber band off my arm, stand in the doorway and read out loud my locker and safety deposit box number???
I was additionally berated for moving the tiny towels Rosa had strategically place on the table, over the cracked blue foam rubber pad, and on which I was told to lay my naked body. Mud and salt were slathered and rubbed while my limbs were thrown in every direction to facilitate their application, a new shock every couple seconds when her hand came down in another unexpected place. Then I was hosed down with a rubber hose. There is nothing fancy about the Russian Baths, very much a collection of steam rooms and plunge pools, basic changing rooms and a Russian eatery to the front with a roof terrace.
I really appreciated its old school charm, the characters I met there, and conversations with beers on the terrace. It was actually one of the most memorable parts of my trip and I will be returning the next time I'm in NYC. It's a great spot to have great Ukranian food, see a cross-section of New York life, decompress and "sweat your prayers," as they say - a real departure from the rush of the city.
On the minus side, you are often met with pushy massage therapists seeking clients and a counter staff anxious to sell you on multiple visits, sometimes to grating effect.
Russian & Turkish Baths
In summary, when I'm in the mood to unwind - and have the presence of mind to deflect a hard-sell - I like this place a lot and really value its restorative effects. Flights Vacation Rentals Restaurants Things to do. New York City. Profile JOIN. Log in to get trip updates and message other travelers. Only in NY! Review Highlights. Reviewed April 14, Reviewed March 26, Date of experience: October See all 58 reviews.

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