Go behind the scenes and sounds of KQED during a tour of our digital television and radio studios. To reserve your guided tour, call or e-mail docent kqed. Need to check the status of your KQED Membership, make changes to your profile, or find out when your thank-you gift will arrive? Our membership staff is available Monday-Friday, 9ampm, at or member kqed. Answers to many of your questions can also be found in Membership FAQ. KQED Passport is a new member benefit that gives eligible donors and supporters extended access to an on-demand library of quality public television programming online.
More information at ocd. Over the years elementary school students have helped to maintain the park. Carry on their legacy by helping to restore Johnston-Kelly Park. Veterans will be onsite hosting tables with their memorabilia for guests and fellow Veterans to stop by and chat. Adapting a zero waste lifestyle is rewarding and economical if you do it right.
Come learn how. Following the class will be a short tour of the Co-op!
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Class seating is limited to 25—please register ahead of time and arrive early! What a great cause!!! An enduring musical partnership beginning in Seattle and spanning almost two decades--Jesse Sykes and The Sweet Hereafter's core members are singer- songwriter Jesse Sykes and guitarist Phil Wandscher. Plus awesome coffee! Get together to talk about how we're making Everett a better city for biking and walking!
A FREE, family-friendly event to honor and remember the service of all military veterans. The Music Project will provide musical instruments and equipment. Event is open to the public for all ages and abilities. No music education or experience required. Bring in your own container to go even greener! Looking for a good time but don't want to drive down to Seattle or hang out in weird public bathrooms?
We got you! Exit Improv harvests the best improv comedians from all over Puget Sound and brings them to Everett every dang month! At our Repair Cafes, you bring the broken items and parts if you know what it needs , and our handy volunteers bring their skills to help you fix it! Service is first-come, first-served. No appointments needed. Grab a bite from the deli and join us in the Co-op's dining area for this evening of savory tunes. Enjoy delicious gluten free pancakes prepared by our own staff and member-owner volunteers in the Co-op Classroom! Because your co-op loves you! Every 3rd Thursday of the month we are thrilled to work with Everett Art Walk and other supportive organizations to feature local artists.
Venues time vary. The auction will feature a silent auction, live auction, dessert dash, and more. Don't forget to get in on the early bird ticket price before November 4th! With a new venue, this year's event is sure to be one you won't want to miss. Give any room some custom flair by decorating your lightswitch cover at this FREE craft event! There are many easy techniques that you can use.

All other materials will be provided. Free craft, ages 7 and up! Activity is led by inaugural Co-op owner and longtime volunteer Tina Hokanson!

Join us for the annual Holly Jolly Holiday Market! Friday and Saturday, November 29th and 30th, 9 am-4 pm. Meet our faculty and staff, and learn more about our curriculum. Murphy High School is a Catholic, college preparatory school that welcomes students of all faiths.
True to the spirit of the gospel, Archbishop Murphy nurtures the full development of the gifts that God has given to each student, fosters service as an outgrowth of faith, and values diversity. Working with parents as partners in the educational ministry, we strive for academic excellence, spiritual enrichment, and Christlike leadership for the transformation of the world.
In an age of rising chaos and encroaching darkness, RAQIA seeks to create sanctuary and connection with the natural world through music. Weaving between structured compositions and open improvisation, this is music of and for the elements.
Shuffle Northwest Shuffle Movement Group and vibes provided by surprise. Get out the hair spray and neon for this show because it's all about the 80s!
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Many legends suggest that dragons are born from eggs. Create a unique, colorful and textured dragon egg sculpture and the myths behind it at this special workshop. Ages: 8 to 16 years 10 and under need adult assistance. Kids and parents plant spring-flowering bulbs provided by Van Bloem's Gardens and take home a bag of bulbs too!
Tools and snacks provided. Meet at the Arboretum Entrance, This is a free event! Open all ages, all skill levels. Open music jam. Some instruments provided, play sing or tap your feet, everyone welcome! Enjoy expansive views of the Puget Sound while giving back to your community.
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Join us in a fun morning of restoration work in Howarth Park! Hot dang it's gonna be a rippin' dance party at the 'ol Black Lab Gallery. Bring your best polyester suit and gold chains and get down with the sounds of the Ashley Eriksson Disco Project, followed by the gloom-punk stylings of Memory Boys who are kicking off their tour at this show so bring them lots of kisses and lil snackies.
We end the night with Everett's own sinister pop purveyors, Oliver Elf Army. Enjoy bat puppets while learning bat myths and facts. See amazing bat images from around the world collected during research projects. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to honor our co-op! It is a chance to look back over our previous fiscal year, celebrate our successes, and discuss the bright future ahead.
We hope you can join us for this evening of live music, delicious food, and prizes! Also, those attending will be the first to see our Annual Report! Naturally, all co-op owners, their families, and their friends are invited. See you there! Free admission for everyone! Explore all Imagine has to offer from the wet wonderful water exhibit, Marble Maze and the Rooftop Adventure. We have something for everyone! Join us for trick-or-treating at the Forest Park Animal Farm with some fun and friendly goats before heading to the Forest Park Swim Center to float in the pool!
Evening includes candy at the farm, root beer floats and the inflatable in the pool. Dress warmly and bring your bathing suit and a towel. These special glassblowing demonstrations are part of "Refract: The Seattle Glass Experience" from October 17 - 20, Refract features glass exhibits, events, tours, and lectures through the greater Seattle region. Born of Nigerian descent, Kilam Tel Aviv is a Seattle native whose works merge his pragmatic thinking with a more energetic and flavorful attitude with hints of hip hop and pop culture influences. Kilam hopes that his works will inspire people to think differently about topics they may have had preconceived notion about, to further encourage open minded thinking.
The Vintage Cafe is my favorite music venue in Everett.
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We are lucky to have Dylan Ihde on lead guitar that night as well! Take a musical journey with us while we experience the great atmosphere at the Vintage Cafe. Millions of people worldwide participate in this annual earthquake and tsunami drill to build muscle memory to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at a. This is a FREE event, where you practice at home, school or work.
Drop, cover and hold on for a minute, then do one more thing like build an emergency kit and talk to family about what to do after a disaster. Feel free to take a picture of you, friends and family under a desk or table and use ShakeOut on social media. Cart 0. Learn more.