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The Commodity Exchange Act prohibits wash trading. Weak Hands: When used in connection with delivery of commodities on futures contracts, the term usually means that the party probably does not intend to retain ownership of the commodity; when used in connection with futures positions, the term usually means positions held by small speculators.
Weather Derivative: A derivative whose payoff is based on a specified weather event, for example, the average temperature in Chicago in January. Such a derivative can be used to hedge risks related to the demand for heating fuel or electricity. Wild Card Option: Refers to a provision of any physical delivery Treasury bond or Treasury note futures contract that permits shorts to wait until as late as p.
Chicago time on any notice day to announce their intention to deliver at invoice prices that are fixed at p.

Winter Wheat: Wheat that is planted in the fall, lies dormant during the winter, and is harvested beginning about May of the next year. Writer: The issuer, grantor, or seller of an option contract.